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First pic you have Lepus, Hadrian and Will. William is Hadrian's best friend. I somehow always picture Lepus with a hat but I'm not sure I'm going to keep it in the comic.

Second is Hadrian's outfit for a future chapter.

And the last one is a sketch from Hadrian when he was 21 and moved away from Indicum with William and Angie to Karmine a city in the neighbour country.


Lepus, Hadrian and Will.
Hadrian and Angie when they were 21 and 20 y.o.
Hadrian's outfit sketch from an upcoming chapter
Lepus, Hadrian and Will.
Hadrian's outfit sketch from an upcoming chapter
Hadrian and Angie when they were 21 and 20 y.o.



I'm not sure I've ever seen Hadrian's current age, how old is he now? the pictures are awesome :)