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There are two wolves inside me, one wants to do everything rather dark and grayish and the other one wants to do everything full of color. The colorful one always win because he is buffed by a land buff called Capitalism, and people tend to dislike grayish things.

How in the last poll the random comic pages won, here are some pages (not in order) of a chapter I did quite some time ago. (Because the last few days I was dying over a complicated storyboard and could not finish anything interesting (or that I had  planned) for this Patreon page 💀 )

Also, thank you for supporting my work! 😭 




DBXKCHSOCNOSCUSOKDNDUAKDBD MOOOOOOAR!!! I *LOVE* THE COLOURS!!! LOVE IT! (...also, *cough* sad pretty boys... 👀 )