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And now it's all closed up! Thank you everyone for joining in!

Please join +The Financier+ tier to enter! You will gain access to the follow-up post with the Submission Link.

You'll be looking for the tier with THIS IMAGE!

It's the $70 tier, with only 8 slots available! If you can't join the tier, it means all slots are taken!

After joining, please remain in the tier until the 11th so you may keep your submission slot reserved! Once everyone's accounted for, I will contact and announce for all backers to downgrade back to their original tiers so they do not get charged a second time.

Here are the submission rules:

  • You MUST be a backer to The FakeryFund in +The Financier+ Tier ($70). Remember to stay within this tier until contacted to depart!
  • OCs ONLY! No official characters!
  • You may submit only ONE character.
  • You will not be able to request any edits or special instructions.
  • Any unclaimed slots will be handled at the sole-discretion of FakeryWay.

    Please submit your form as soon as possible! It may become harder (or even impossible) to include your OC the further we get in December.

Sorry for the rather convoluted submissions setup, but it's the best method I could find on short notice between comms and other ordeals since the last update. I hope this all goes over smoothly enough. Regardless, thank you all for another wonderful year.

Thank you,
- FakeryWay




Submission Sent


Quick question, can you enter entern round two of slots too if you already got a slot thanks to slot round one? And if yes it prop must be diffrent oc?


Hmmm... to keep it fair for people who missed out the first time around (and were the ones who specifically asked for the extension), I'm gonna say that you'll need to wait until the end of Round 2's sign up period. If there are any slots left over, I suppose can contact you (and anyone else wishing to double-dip) again.


Submission has been sent!