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We did it! We've hit 200 patrons! To celebrate, I've launched up another Art Remakery Submissions Form, this time open for ALL PATRONS! Be sure to to familiarize yourself with the submission rules (which are different from the main poll), and if you're a Benefactor, don't forget to submit for the Main Poll as well! 

Here are the Rules:

  1. The submitter MUST be a patron to The FakeryFund.
  2. The art submitted MUST be an image as previously drawn by me (3rd party edits will not be honored).
  3. The  art submitted will be either redrawn as-presented, or be remixed into a  new composition (original premise will be maintained).
  4. Only 1 art may be submitted; all submissions are final! Choose wisely!
  5. The final image will be drawn as a full color work.
  6. The art submitted MUST NOT violate the current commission rules (as listed below).
  7. In exception for this Patreon Offer only, Sonic art is allowed for submission.
  8. Only  25 images maximum can qualify for the final poll. In the case of a  surplus, I will be selecting those 25 images for the sake of  diversifying the lineup of poses, characters, angles, etc.
  9. This vote will be held SEPARATELY from the main Remakery Poll, so be sure to vote for BOTH!

With that out of the way, here's the BONUS form! Thanks again for pushing The FakeryFund to 200! (:





That hype moment when sonic porn briefly returns from our art mommy~♡ and happy to be in this horny club