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First off, I wanna give major thanks for the great reception to the First Remakery Poll! A little over 40 submissions came in (that had to be rounded down to 25 due to Patreon's poll limit), and that was really exciting to see! It was a huge success, and I'll definitely be doing more of these in the future!

We've gotten a few more Benefactors signed up since then, and commissions are coming along at a manageable pace... so it got me thinking:

If I were to draw a second Art Remakery for the month, would you prefer I fashion together a new poll or that I default to drawing the Runner-Up?

I want to give my Benefactors' as much of a fighting chance to get their submission to win, but I also realize this would jeopardize the assured chance for those who already voted on the piece that almost succeeded last time around.

So I leave the choice to you! Which option sounds better? I reckon I'll follow this plan moving forward whenever I have spare time for additional remakes, so choose wisely!

This poll will be up for 12 hours!


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