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Things are looking up!

I have figured out a living arrangement that, while still tough, is finally something bearable for my current situation. Of course, things are still precariously balanced at this point, so I'll still be working towards a more secure home-life in the future. As far as my employment goes with my day-job, I haven't gotten that part fully-resolved, so I'm not quite out of the woods yet. No mater what happens, I'll keep on fighting!

HOWEVER! I wanted to make it up to all of you for going content-bare for about a week. In a bit, I'll be releasing a cancelled collab set that BigBeanPole and I were originally making before doing the Undertale set. It's all just rough draftwork, but I wanted to give you all something (especially those who signed up during the hiatus). It'll take some time to get it fully set up for release, but hopefully not too long.

As for my commissioners: we should be getting back in business within the coming week. I'm no longer scrambling around looking for a place to stay, so I can finally get back to actually drawing now. You all have my gratitude for being so patient!

Thank you!
FakeryWay ❤



Happy to know things are beginning to stabilize a little, and I hope they will continue to get better for you! In my opinion content can wait, your wellbeing comes first!


Thank you! I appreciate your words so much. I'll continue to make sure things resolve themselves safely for me!