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So it's been a month now, and I want to see how everyone feels about the prices here. The best thing I can do to ensure a steady lifespan of the FakeryFund is to make sure I can adapt it to the concerns of its patrons.

As I evaluate the performance of the patreon, the poll below will help me in deciding the tier prices moving forward. I want to make it clear, I have no intention of raising these prices, just if I should maintain course or adjust for the sake of the people's tastes.

For ease of reference, here are the current prices, as-of-writing:

Feel free to add any further input or suggestions in the comments!



Kaitou3D from Twitter: "I feel the jump from tier 2 to 3 is a bit steep; That isn't to say it too expensive, but a $10 jump begs a lot of value from that 2 to 3. There's a whole lot of psychology to price gaps that people see. I think there is some wisdom in narrowing your spread a bit. 3/7/12 for example." (reposting this here so I don't lose it)


Suggestion/Idea: add a discount to future commissions for those who are your Patreons.


Not a bad idea on paper, I'll just have to make sure I can afford whatever influx of patrons I'd get for that. As well as exploring whatever ways I can verify that the people who contact me are current Patrons. But one thing really holding me back is how bad I'd feel for whoever's order I couldn't get to before the month passed over, though that may just have to be an acceptable loss...