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Hello there! After trying this whole NSFW thing for 5 years, I decided to make a Patreon. Financial circumstances have pushed me to invest smarter in my career as an artist, so here we are.

For those of you who wish to support my work further than likes and retweets, this was made with you in mind! I've created tiers at various levels, some just to aid in keeping my career afloat, and others to reap explicit benefits for supporting me. Please explore the offers to see which tier is right for you.

Despite all my research and development, it'll no doubt be a learning process getting this all up and running; so tier prices and rewards may be subject to change. Furthermore, I plan to make additional tiers in the future, more details below. Either way, thank you for your interest, and have a wonderful day!


(Tiers are set to Charge-Upfront; please familiarize yourself with the offers before confirming) 

🪙 The Donor: $3

An honest donation through-and-through, welcome to the FakeryFund!

  • Early-Access
  • WIP Access
  • Vote on Monthly Character Art (LIVE every 5th-7th)!

💵The Sponsor: $5

A little extra on the top, for those who like more direct benefits for their contribution!

  • 10% Commission Discount
  • Hastily-Made SFW Variants
  • Rewards from Lower Tiers

💰The Benefactor: $15

Full-content access with direct influence on the the art that will come to pass!

  • 15% Commission Discount
  • Nominate Monthly Character Art
  • PSD/CLP files
  • Rewards from Lower Tiers

Lastly, I plan to make an archive of my past work to provide to this tier as well. I will need to research for good hosting sites, but hopefully this will come to fruition.

♾️The Prophet of All Profits: $1000

I made this tier as a joke. YOU WILL GET LITERALLY NOTHING FOR CHOOSING THIS TIER. No art, no benefits, nothing beyond a thank you message.

Being honest though, I have no idea what I could possibly do to repay this kinda graciousness, so I won't pretend that I can. However, I absolutely would not turn this kind of donation away. Please DO NOT SELECT THIS TIER unless you are fully okay with that.



These are some ideas I have in mind for the future. They're currently shelved until I acclimate to the duties & demands of providing to a community. Will likely need to transition out from other responsibilities first.

💳The Financier

A grand step beyond the others, this tier is for those who want to directly and regularly receive a FULLY-COLORED SKETCH of any character or their OC (1 character in a simple prompt), a complementary opportunity not available by standard commission. In order for me to keep track of my priority clients, you will receive a link via Patreon to a dedicated form for your request details.

Limited to 1 patron sketch per month.

Please note, that I will not draw the following: gore/torture, underage, vore, real people, toilet activity, (un)birthing, monsters, mecha; other similarly extreme content -- please ask if unsure!


And that's everything! Thank you for your support, whether you become a patron or not. It's been a great 5 years!



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