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Just wanted to let you all know that Season 2 of Enhanced has started filming! We shot the start of the "mini-series" this weekend, which will either be a few episodes, or one long compressed one to act as a "prologue" for the season, and the full episodes should begin not too long after!

We're also making some big updates to the heropack in the coming weeks, including new suits and major updates for abilities. I'm also planning some epic crossovers with other heropackers to create some extra content for Season 2! Just know though that it may be some time before some are revealed due to spoilers. We have at least 6 suits that are either finished and hidden or in-progress, and I promise to give Patrons access to them following their first major Enhanced SMP appearances!

About Favored: We have the first half of the season fully recorded already, but we may take a bit of a break after the next episode to focus on Enhanced as I figure out how to better structure Favored. It seems that many of you are not very interested in it even though it connects to the main story of Enhanced.

Thanks again for all of your support and patience!