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My four-part lecture series on the essential math for game developers is now finally up on youtube! It's an actual course I taught for students at FutureGames

It's complete with assignments, visually driven teaching, and motivations as for, why, in fact, math is useful~

Watch now ❱ youtube.com/acegikmo

Also, apologies for how long this has taken, but I hope it will have been worth the wait 🧡

Status Update & Current Projects

Ashley and I have been pretty busy getting ready to move apartment, which, is happening in a week from now! It has kinda made me very restless, and I've struggled to find energy and focus to stream, so I've mostly been in hermit mode working on Shapes in the meantime, until I feel more relaxed. Anyway! Project updates!

Shapes - Shapes has done, extremely well, to the point where, in combination with all of your support here on patreon, made us even able to get an apartment larger than, well, one room~ I've been updating it a lot as there are loads of feature requests and bugs to attend to given the influx of users, which unfortunately takes away time from the other projects I've been working on

Mathfs - I've been working on an open source math library for Unity. This is kinda, what I work with when I'm feeling stressed and need to relax in hermit mode, so naturally it has progressed quite a bit now. I recently added lots of intersection test functions - you can get it here if you're interested!

Polygon Triangulation Video - I'm almost done with all visuals on this one, but I've yet to record voiceover and wrap up the script! It's getting there, though a bit slowly as I've mostly been updating Shapes and getting the math videos out :)

DDR/PiU Streaming - As some of you know, I've been doing weekly rhythm game workout streams at the arcade here in Stockholm! This was a super neat routine, but, with the coronavirus I might not be able to do this for a very long time. I've started looking into getting a proper home setup, so, this might actually return soon, and, with better audio/video/everything quality at that! It's looking promising so far, but, I can't promise anything yet~


That's it for now!
Thank you all so hecking much again for your continued support, it's absolutely insane that this is all possible for me to spend time on - I literally couldn't have done all of this without you, so thank you thank you thank you!! 💖


Vectors & Dot Product • Math for Game Devs [Part 1]

Welcome to my four part lecture on essential math for game developers 💖 I hope you'll find this useful in your game dev journey! This course will have assignments throughout, if you want to maximize your learning, I recommend doing them! If you are enjoying this series, please consider supporting me on Patreon! 🧡 https://www.patreon.com/acegikmo 00:00:00 - Intro 00:07:05 - Why math? 00:12:59 - 1D vectors 00:36:13 - 2D vectors 01:09:35 - Vector normalization 01:15:23 - Direction to point 01:23:11 - Length 01:31:49 - Distance 01:44:14 - Point along direction 02:00:45 - Radial trigger 02:26:21 - Dot product 02:44:30 - Examples from my game 03:03:13 - Assignments 03:03:29 - Asgmt. 1 (Radial trigger) 03:05:49 - Asgmt. 2 (Look-at trigger) 03:10:03 - Asgmt. 3 (Space transformation) Assignments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nou1ZAbNOkELggW9YqZ9LTRIW9Hc-isUpURbQ8gjiMM Originally streamed as a course for students at http://futuregames.se/, who were super kind to let me both stream this live as well as upload it here! so massive thanks to the people at FutureGames!! 💖 Patreon ❱ https://www.patreon.com/acegikmo 🐦 Twitter ❱ https://twitter.com/FreyaHolmer 📺 Twitch ❱ https://www.twitch.tv/acegikmo 💬 Discord ❱ https://discord.gg/v5VWuga 🌸 Instagram ❱ https://instagram.com/freya_holmer ✫ Video Production by Higher Vision: ➥ https://twitter.com/HigherVision1 ➤ Edited by Stelly: https://twitter.com/stelly47050876


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