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I have a draft in progress for a pt. 2 of the Eshe identity theft story, and while any input may not effect that, I am curious if there's any ideas or interactions you'd like to see happen with the "New Eshe" at some point.
Anything you'd find interesting, cute, hot, etc.



I'd love to see if there's going to be any effect of Eshe's new head on her body. Maybe her body will grow paler? Lose muscle? Freckles pop up? Or maybe the other way around, and her head gets a tan, her hair texture changes and she starts to adopt some of the old Eshe's personality.


I'm not sure if I'll go that route in this story, but the idea of Eshe undergoing physical/mental changes and more so how people react to/perceive it, is a lot of potential fun.

Roxil Aeon

Whatever happened to New!Eshe's old body/identity? Is it still around? Did it get merged/folded into Eshe's to take out later? Can she remotely control it if not?


Any other sorts of body part exchanges, i.e. winning some milky new titties, or a hard cock. In the line of "under new management," the part changes could be interpreted as "Eshe refurbished," or "the new edition of Eshe."