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Curious if any of you have some basic ideas to base a story with my characters around? Still have more Enna/Reality bending story planned out but haven't been in the mood to finish another chapter lately.

Thinking Eiko would be a fun gal to mess with. General unawareness/reality fuckery is always a fave so hit me with some ideas. Multiple suggestions are fine.
Don't have to be tied together or can directly contradict tbh.


Chris B.

A crossover suggestion with Isleofhando in which the boy and his spellbook, with his multiple possessed women, encounter your Ash possessed women …who then get a little friendly with each other.

Christopher Bartz

I’m thinking that a good one is that in the enna story the kid is still not fully in the new reality, so as they go to a town there is still some confusion he faces as the memories overlap and overwrite his previous ones, also that he meets another elf that is closer in age/ development to him that he tries to develop a relationship with her.

Christopher Bartz

Another one would be a school slice of life in the enna world.

Christopher Bartz

Specifically a more wholesome romance story that has still undergone the reality fuckery, with a mix of human and elven students and teachers


Would love to see a common thread for the Eiko images we've seen already. Eiko: The Ever-(Totally Not)Changing Warrior. Maybe her curse is to blend in with her surroundings fantasy race-wise, thus the gobbofication and amazonian versions. Could throw some other stuff in there, the booty elves, centauress, whatever monster the goth lady came from, etc. preferably with her big titties intact. Of course, nobody knows that it's ever happening. Speaking of our goth queen, would love a full story of how she got reality edited into those huge tits, maybe some lucky guy gets to have fun with her (with milk?)! Thanks for your art!


That Eiko idea is a great general plot device tbh. Great tool for multiple small stories. Deciding whether she just transforms into the other race, swaps with a member of said race, or "replaces" them in some reality altering way is a hard pick for me. Lots of fun ways to do it. A Selene story would be fun. Original boob-swap idea or the "Monsterification"? Both a modern day and fantasy AU boob-related story could be done too, since both are distinct stories tbh.


If I recall the images you're talking about, it would be a good basis for a fun "hivemind" type story, though tbh I'd rather just do my own. Exploring the concept in general would be more fun to me than having Ash cross over with someone, as a story at the very least.


Exploring Niles' altered perception is a general idea I had for the next chapter actually. Dunno if it'll be exactly what you want here but we'll see whenever I get around to it. Also I doubt I'll add a younger elf to pair with him at any point, though a side story exploring another elf woman in some relationship wouldn't be out of the picture if there was an interesting idea to explore with her.