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I hope you all made it through the year in one piece.
I'm very thankful to all of you that've stuck around, and I'm really hoping I can be more productive next year. Just in general. These last few months especially have been hard on my health and I've been more than a little upset that I just haven't been able to put out any worthwhile content.

I've been digging up and archiving older art over the last month, it's a rather annoying process due to my awful upload speed and changing PCs last year, but I want to make sure I have a decent amount of my art from 2018-19 uploaded and archived before long.

I'm also curious if you'd all be interested in an archive of my fantasy worldbuilding stuff, the fatbottom elves and whatnot. Probably ranging from nsfw to sfw sketches and text files.

It's almost New Years and I hope next year works out better for all of us.



That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'd rally be interested in your elf lore.


That’s a good idea! Also, will there be stuff about the halfling, I think, with the lower body of an elf in the fantasy ideas?

Christopher Bartz

You fatbottom elves are my favorite stuff of yours and an archive would be great!!! I hope your health improves during 2021. Happy new year!