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I've taken stock of everyone's recent ideas, but I'm honestly curious how much feedback I can get on a specific topic.

What kind of ideas/ scenarios would you all be interested in seeing from that Ashverse au I had a while back? Ash essentially becoming a hive mind and acting out all of the other gals or w/e. Because I'm interested in what kind of scenes that brings to other people's minds.

The idea is sort of naturally mean spirited so don't feel held back with more spicy ideas.



A nemesis in the form of a parasitic goo. It infects its hosts and hijacks the nervous system, so it doesn't use mind control. However, the host brain is intact and constantly feels orgasmic bliss. The parasite notices a pattern after infecting some of Ash's bodies, and tries to find her. Meanwhile Ash tries not to go crazy over feeling multiple bodies bombarded with pleasure waves.


How about a scenario involving a family/group of friends with one unaltered person getting gang-banged and fucked by the collective.


Character edit body sliders


Family possession