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I'm really enjoy the elf lore and world building but also the body swapping athletes are fun!


Sanko-san was pretty good I liked it.


Bring back cosplay bro, his fat ass could totally pull off Rhea from three houses


Well, I wouldn't say no to some futa... But of course I love the body-part-fuckery, too. It's been a while since you've done anything with 3butt or Kuchibi, and I was also thinking that those elven hips are wide enough to hold another torso or two - a whole adventuring party in one would be neat. On the same note, I liked the sportsball players "teaming up" and combining into one body. More of that would be most welcome

Chris B.

Got an interesting idea based on The Incredibles. Dash accidentally renders his mother unconscious, playing with the gauntlet from the first movie. He decides to wear her, opening her mouth wide to do it. Could also accidentally knock her out by shooting Jack Jack like a laser, allowing for the sexier costume from the second movie.


More skinsuit stuff maybe Ryn gets Ash in on it and they find more folks to turn into skins. (or maybe Launna turns back to normal and she could have some fun revenge on Ryn)


Bring back the police girl


It’d be nice to see a continuation to the elf reality warp story


I personally love your body part swap stuff such as with ash, launna, and ryn or the sportsball girls. Just an idea, but about a body part shop where they could buy or sell parts for fashion or sportsball purposes?

Tighe McCandless

I think a return of Yuka the eldritch horror would be fun. Figure that she could probably end up changing her form around to whatever too so it'd let you mix and match whatever you wanted to do with her. If not her, then more man-bodied women would be fun too.


Um, what about another dark mommy?



Dr. Beaubourg

I’d like to see more transformation content, as well as OC details and lore!


More detachment stuff!!!

Jackie Matsushita

I’ve been loving all the world building you’ve been doing with the elves. I might like to see other elves besides Enna. Maybe a high-priestess or something like that


Body part swap prolly


More Dark Elves/Drow like your recent Vivec picture