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I'm probably going to take an actual art break for the rest of December. I have a bad habit of deciding to do so and then immediately working on something. Last couple of weeks I've been basically stressing about art to the point that I was just making myself sick and not being able to create anything presentable. Not to mention I've noticed my eyesight becoming noticeably worse in the last few months, I think staring at canvases for hours has had a negative effect lol.

I'm going to put up a December poll tomorrow, and see about finishing touching up last month's winner after I get some rest. Don't know if I'll be putting out anymore art for the rest of the month though, so if any of you want to rescind your payment or w/e you probably won't miss anything, and I certainly won't mind.

If I have any art from this year I haven't posted yet, I'll see about sprinkling them throughout to make up for it. I have some old edits I may post that some of you may enjoy.

I hope you all have happy holidays regardless.


Arthur Vardkan

Take it easy and feel better! Do what ya gotta do for your own health and well-being.