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If I don't get any satisfying art out within the next week, I really implore you all to rescind your subscriptions until I do. Finally being able to afford a new PC has meant I've been spending almost all of my free time playing thru my 4+ years worth of backlogged Steam games, and as a result my motivation to draw has been hampered for the meantime tbh. 

I've tried sitting down plenty and attempting to work but it hasn't been very successful, minus the few pieces I've been able to get you all during the set up and technical hassles.

I don't think it's at all fair to you all to be paying me without knowing that, and I hope I'll be back to a more creative mood after I'm satisfied, and hopefully inspired by finally playing some new stuff. (Also the lack of constant PC issues will probably help!) :>

And I also want to thank you all, I don't think I would've been able to finally replace my old junker, and a lot of other small things, without people like you enjoying my silly content enough to pay me even a small amount of their earnings. It really means a lot to me.


Mad Ivy

Hey thanks for being so transparent about this. It really means a lot!