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 Rival sportsball team's MVP and former owner of the bod. 

Her team's gone virtually undefeated since she joined, until recently of course.




So now what does she do? Go down to butts-r-us and look for a new body, and probably wardrobe.


She could, though she'll likely try and win back her old one in a rematch with a back up body.


So the school or whatever just keeps spare bodies around for just such an occasion? Weird. It's probably not even that good of a body. Probably some pudgy white girl that's going to need a fair bit of training.


Her team has a decent amount of back up bodies from the amount of wins they have, but yep that was the idea. Out of shape bod that needs a lot of work before her next game.


Is the next pic going to be the former champ whipping her pudgy self into shape then?