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Had some old headswap idea I feel like drawing, a petite sportsball player beats a big boobied, beefy one in a game, and per the rules gets to take her bod for herself. 



10/10 would read again


But then wouldn't the formerly petite player now be at a disadvantage? Or does she keep the body as a spare leaving the formerly beefy girl as a head? If she's good enough, does she just collect an army of spare bodies to switch between when she has to move a couch, or wants to feel sexy? My penis demands answers damn it!


or she just steals the boobs and didn't realize she's also need the back muscles, and falls face first.


Not necessarily, the winning team gets to pick which losing member's bod will be pilfered, and which team member they consider the 'MVP' to win it, so they usually pick the player who's known as the "best" on the opposing team. I assume the petite girl has some spares if she's her team's generally best player. And she uses and trains with all of her favorites to constantly keep other teams on their toes, and to spice things up outside of that.