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Ahem! Ahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one, two! This is a test of the Patreon's new broadcast system!

The Ultra Muscle Girls team has an announcement to make...

I've been looking over our tier rewards again, and I've come to the conclusion that the Future Foundation Agent tier reward is totally inadequate in relation to the amount of money one has to shell out for it. So, I came up with an even better reward for those generous enough to shell out 20 smackeroons! Now, got your ears cleaned out? This'll really blow you away...

Now anyone who pledges $20, is entitled to one free request drawing per month drawn by the Ultra Muscle Girls comic artists!

You'll get art pieces to call your own, so let your creative juices flow...within reason, of course.

  • Images will be in lineart quality
  • Up to two characters max can be in any given image. Backgrounds and objects will be simplified
  • Requests that skirt the line of what is consider acceptable will need to be discussed further
  • The new rewards will be implemented starting with September.

That's it for now. Have a beaaaauuuutiful day~ 
