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The next build of FurryVNE introduces several new improvements to workflow in interactions, in addition to fixing multiple bugs (some of which were severe).

Step creation changes

Previously if you wanted to create a step, you had two options. Either you could click the "+" sign to create a "blank" step (although this blank step would automatically create keyframes for some properties of whatever value they happened to have at the time of step creation). Or, you could simply duplicate the previous step.

Neither of these options were great for the majority of use cases, as usually you'd like the next step to continue from the previous one, but be different in some regards.

Therefore, we have now introduced two new options when creating a new Step.

Create as initialized

This will take the last keyframe for each property from the previous step (from the stack of timelines) and insert them into the default timeline of the newly created step, thus making sure it has the values of the previous step's end.

Duplicate as initialized

This works similarly to the currently implemented duplicate command, with the addition that it overwrites the default timeline with the previous step's last keyframes.


In addition to these commands, we have also implemented two new commands when right-clicking on steps:

Initialize with previous step's properties (copy last keyframes, missing properties only)

This command will find properties that had values set in the previous step, but that don't have any values in the default timeline of the current step. Then, it will take the last keyframe of those properties and insert into the default timeline, thus making it sync with the previous step's end.

Initialize with previous step's properties (copy last keyframes, overwrite)

Same as above, with the modification that it simply takes all properties from the previous step and copies their last keyframes into the default timeline of the current step, overwriting any existing values.

Improvements to timeline

We have made several timelines and keyframe editing.

Vastly improved bulk editing performance

Deleting or merging multiple keyframes is now much, much faster. (Also the undo of those.)


You can now press "X" or "Delete" to delete selected keyframes while the mouse cursor is in the timeline view.

You can also press middle mouse button to create a new keyframe at the location of the mouse cursor.

Other changes

Properties in the timeline view are now always ordered by name in a consistent manner.

Interpolation of node states has also received improvements to create more consistent results when switching between different modes (world, local, snapped to surface).

Bug fixes

We have fixed multiple bugs, some of which were severe. More details in the future release notes.


We hope you will find these improvements useful. We intend to publish the new build in the coming day or so.

All the best.

- odes


Zexiara ✨

ah, prayers have been answered! also, i'm hoping you guys can bring back the ass inflation slider from the first game eventually? 👌🏿

Aliens Guy 42

we just really need hairstyles as universally compatible accessories like i am making a horse character inspired my a pony OC i made years ago and you are telling me i need to create my own freaking mane? just a generic mane and tail part set would do... oh yeah and im trying to make Susie from deltarune as well and i can't because there be no hairstyles.... and seriously? you dont have ANY unicorn horns or wings of any type? so i guess there goes any winged characters


Wooo, heck yea.


Hi there, I just wanted to thank everyone working on this project. Creating something new is never easy, but FurryVNE is still running and growing despite the troubles and time it took to get here. The fact that even after years of work and the troubles with personel, money and other programs, not to overshadow the programming itself, you are still working on it is admirable. There are many creators who had given up by now, or changed the programm into something else that barely met the promised baseline. Every update, every bugfix is making this programm more enjoyable and giving the creators more possibilities to create precicely what they want to. And I think everyone is looking forward to what else will be implemented or optimized in the future.


I also want to thank the supporters, both those who are new here and maybe just curious or excitet to see where this goes, as well as those who have stayed here, maybe even back from YL1. Without support this work could not have reached the level it has today. I do belive most of us understand that good work takes some time, (insert bashing of modern big company games), and so far it has payed of i think.