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Hi all!

Proud to share our latest dev log demonstrating interactions in FurryVNE.

Please upvote the public entries (see further down). We're struggling financially so any extra publicity we can get is helpful.


1080p 60 Hz (3.18 GB)

Mirror 1

Mirror 2

720p 30 Hz (1.18 GB)

Mirror 1

Mirror 2


00:00 - Development talk

05:24 - Orifice dynamics

10:25 - Interactions

43:06 - What's left

47:02 - Q & A

57:47 - End

Public entries

e621 (Please upvote!)

Twitter (Please upvote / rt!)

Furaffinity (Please upvote!)


All the best.

- odes


3.18 GB file on MEGA



Holy Moly. That looks amazing! It's incredible how much you've been able to achieve. I am always impressed with your work. I knew this was a project worth supporting, great job! I'm excited to get my hands on the interactions release. xD


very exciting stuff! As someone who likes dance animations, these timelines and steps will come in very handy!


Yay, its getting closer to completion! Oh god, its getting closer to completion! I will have so much character updating to do!


Huge shout out to you odes, really good job on this one! Thanks for covering so much questions, I am certain that those keyframe mechanics will suffice for what I have in mind in terms of animations. Keep it up, this machine has so much potential, we will be a very happy bunch of folks once this goes live, I'm sure ;)


At first i was not hyped at all by the animation update, cuz you know : "meh it's just for nsfw" will maybe touch it for a few animation if we can do soft things Then i saw the physic engine and all the possibilities of both nsfw and sfw : "okay FVNE have a lot of promise" and the OH LAWD !!! keyframe comin' : "FVNE, You son of bitch, i'm in !" I'm really eager to see the animation update now !


There's finally movement in the game - great work, the simulation is winking very naturally as far as I can see.


this finally makes me happy...


LET ME IIIIN Driver system looks sick! Looks like the wall of text I wrote back when you asked for feature suggestions didn't go to waste : D I'm glad if it was helpful Bit of a bummer about the lighting/rendering pipeline situation though. It's not the end of the world obviously but it feels a bit backwards to have a piece of software that's otherwise very much bleeding edge, but then not have a feature that might be considered quite fundamental for any software in which you set up 3d scenes. Anyway, I realize that moving everything over to a different rendering pipeline is gonna be a big effort, and that there's stuff on your plate that's much more urgent - I appreciate that you're focusing on the things that get us closer to the release of the interaction build, and personally I can't wait to get my hands on it! Good luck on that (not) final stretch!


I'm only 20 minutes into the dev log and the amount of intuitiveness you guys have put into this is already absolutely fantastic. I've never done any sort of animation but the way this seems to be setup I feel I could get a pretty good handle on this with little to no trouble. I'm really excited to see the continued progress of FurryVNE! It already looks like it'll be the best if not one of the best content creation systems. Keep up the amazing work and thanks so much for all you guys do!


Transfer Quota reached half way through the video XD


Great work. This update looks very impressive, especially with the additional amount of detail put into the animation system. Quick question regarding the SDFs. I remember in a previous dev log where you showed off interactions based entirely off of your own baked SDFs. There, due to the lower accuracy, interactions between shafts and breasts were simplified such that pressing a shaft into a breast would apply a flat deformation, rather than letting the shaft sink into the breast and create an indent. Is this still the case now that you’re mixing unity SDFs with your own proprietary ones? Also, you mentioned the possibility of letting us control the camera’s during an animation with key frames. I just wanted to say that as an artist, I think that’s a pretty valuable feature, as it will allow creators to frame scenes in a much more appealing way than with a free camera :). (Oh, and now that I’m at it: if you do implement that, an animatable FOV property on the camera would be really nice as well.)


Thanks! Regarding soft bodies - there has been no changes in their behaviour. Same limitations still apply. All the best. - odes




Great Devlog!


Congratulations on finally clearing the Unity bug hurdle. Sure took them long enough to shift their corpulent, corporate weight into place to do their jobs. Ah well, such is life in large companies. I wouldn’t be surprised if your fellow porn game dev peers have already been asking you in detail what kind of fiendish sorcery you’ve been channeling to produce this sort of penetration system. The only weakness my untrained eye can spot here is that there’s no push/pull effect on the orifice based on the direction of the shaft’s movement yet, but I’m sure you’ve already got plans for that. Do consider giving us users control of the “stickiness” of the shaft’s push/pull when you do get around to experimenting with it though, as that would be very handy in many situations. Guess I’m also gonna have to start reading up on environment design in addition to character design, huh? I do already kinda have something of a design concept for a shower room that transforms into a bathing pool with the help of a few moving platforms at the center, actually. I wonder if those kinds of user-activated, real-time environmental changes would be supported? What about infinitely scrolling environments for scenes set on a train or some other moving vehicle? Would it be possible to let users customize the colors of the environment textures on the fly for, say, a futuristic apartment with adaptive wallpapers or even smart glass windows? You’re opening quite the can of worms here, hope you’re ready for it. Not a bad interface you’ve got for the interaction editor even in this WIP state. Should be familiar enough for returning YL authors to pick up relatively quick and easy and the keyframe timeline provides a lot more flexibility for advanced trickery. Will definitely be rich soil to cultivate all kinds of humorously absurd animations in addition to the more serious and smutty fare, looking forward to seeing what people come up with. Hmm, the female hyena’s head clipping through the wall makes me think having the ability to snap and stick the head node onto a surface, much like the hand nodes, would be useful to have in a scene like the video’s example, with an offset system for finer adjustments to account for unusual head shapes. Definitely something to add to the list if it isn’t there already. So, with characters being able to pull out of orifices, would it be possible to then insert into another orifice on the same character or even on a different character? As it looks now, I’m guessing it’s got some of the same limitations as old YL, so you’d probably have to make the switch off-camera or risk characters suddenly snapping into new positions and then doing a ton of work to make it look like a more seamless transition. Could be tricky to work around that if the mechanisms are as fundamental to how the system works as it seems from looking at things playing out here, but if all else fails there’s always the tried and true camera trickery one can do to mask scene transitions. An expanded looking system is definitely something I like the sound of. I remember trying to have characters point their snouts at what I wanted them to, when I wanted them to, in YL was an exercise in frustration, so it’ll be a big help to have more control over that aspect of the proceedings. Will also be interesting to see what you do with physical tails, since getting tails to wrap around characters properly was another thing that always left much to be desired, but hard to comment on that in greater detail until we see more of what you’re planning on that front. As a side note though, would it be possible for Dogson to design a character with a naga bodytype (by making the legs invisible and having a big tail that swallows up the hips, naturally, no need to create an entirely new body mesh and skeleton just yet) for the eventual demonstration video of said tail system? That would definitely drive home the point that there’s quite range of things one could do with it. In regards to making animations other than what can be done with the procedural system a bit less of a hassle, I think I mentioned the idea of canned animations a while back on another post. Things like walk cycles, dances or sword swings, anything relatively short and repeatedly used that you could quickly import into the timeline as needed, from a pool of such canned animations associated with the character. Which would, in turn, be either based on manually tweaked (to better fit the character’s skeleton) animations from a universal list of basic animations or entirely custom-built ones. Should make things a lot more painless to animate in exchange for a little extra elbow grease at the character creation stage. Author-defined camera angles are going to be important for both SFW and NSFW stuff, but I think it should also be possible for the player to switch to a freelook camera at any time, even at the risk of not getting quite the experience the director intended. I always find it fun to see an animation as intended first and then taking a look-see around by myself, see if there’s any hidden details around and taking a closer look at how things were done. One additional thing to consider, especially for porn, would be having multiple author-defined cameras (and movement patterns for them) for the player to view things from that the player can cycle through manually or set to cycle automatically. So, can’t directly scale the character inside an interaction, but would it be possible to create the illusion of such a change of scale? Just need a mesh offset that simulates the visual part of the change of scale and then replace the character with “another” character which is a properly scale-changed version of the previous character, skeletal rig undistorted and working as intended. We’ve long theorized this would be one way to get around the limitation, but it remains to be seen how feasible it is until we get our hands on the interactions to experiment with the idea. Good show, gentlemen. Took me a while to get around to watching it and writing this out thanks to real life getting in the way, but better late than never. I should definitely make time for actually getting back into the swing of creating characters again BEFORE the interactions drop, but you know how it is; fate likes to shovel shit in your face at the least convenient moments, so I won’t make any promises.

Aliens Guy 42

any chance we can eventually get this on steam? they have been allowing porn games for a WHILE now...


This video gave me two boners, one on my crotch and the other on my brain.

Bixxx (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-08 22:59:10 After seeing the recent dev log elsewhere, i've decided to start supporting again in anticipation for the interaction system! What an awesome representation of your upcoming product. I've always wondered exactly how repositioning was going to work because, frankly it seemed like such a tall order. This cleared all that up for me! It's going to be CRAZY the amount of time and detail you will be able to get inside of an interaction. Time to get my characters ready :P
2023-07-08 18:47:56 After seeing the recent dev log elsewhere, i've decided to start supporting again in anticipation for the interaction system! What an awesome representation of your upcoming product. I've always wondered exactly how repositioning was going to work because, frankly it seemed like such a tall order. This cleared all that up for me! It's going to be CRAZY the amount of time and detail you will be able to get inside of an interaction. Time to get my characters ready :P Suggestion! Make this post public and not just subscribers. Let it be known that you've made leaps in progress and us supporters can link directly to this to help support and bring more people for your subscriptions.

After seeing the recent dev log elsewhere, i've decided to start supporting again in anticipation for the interaction system! What an awesome representation of your upcoming product. I've always wondered exactly how repositioning was going to work because, frankly it seemed like such a tall order. This cleared all that up for me! It's going to be CRAZY the amount of time and detail you will be able to get inside of an interaction. Time to get my characters ready :P Suggestion! Make this post public and not just subscribers. Let it be known that you've made leaps in progress and us supporters can link directly to this to help support and bring more people for your subscriptions.

Jack Martison

I'm not usually writing comments, as I'm pretty distant observer of this project, but I was quite surprised with appearance of first YL, I spent good amount of time having fun with it, but the most important part, is that YL actually got me into game development, 3d modelling and exploring new heights for 5 years already. I know, YL2 and now FVNE had tough and time-consuming road, a complete passion only project with ups and downs, finally sees interactions sneak-peak and let me tell you, when I saw YL for first time, I never knew such games could exist, comparing to side projects, YL stood as "no compromises" project; tech, presentation, character design - everything looked top-notch with rich attention to detail. And trust me, I probably never seen anyone as talented as Odes. With the addition of interactions, this app becomes from "make your own fan-character", to serious editor with simulating capabilities and solid call to a lot of Blender animations and SFM jankiness. Although, I'm not a huge fan of style shift from semi-realistic YL characters to a completely cartony style.


Was starting to wonder when/if you'd make a comment! There actually is behavior for pushing/pulling based off direction, but that multiplier isn't set very high. It could definitely use some tweaking. As for environments and changing them at runtime - anything that Unity can do with its own asset types (scenes, animations, shaders) and then export to asset bundle, you'd be able to do in FurryVNE. I.e., while you won't be able to make your own scripts, you'd still be able to make your own moving parts and such. Perhaps we'll expand on this in the SDK to allow the user to trigger animations or events defined in the scene. But for starters, at the very least, you'll be able to use unity assets and assemble them as you like, which opens for quite a lot of different scenarios. So, as an example, for an infinite scrolling environment, you could have a tiling texture or tiling 3D models be animated to move past a static scene (for example a car), to give the impression of the car moving. The car itself wouldn't actually be moving though. For wallpapers or windows, you could have a custom shader that blends or fades textures. The blend property could perhaps at some point be exposed in FurryVNE to be used as any other property - animated or driven by drivers etc. We actually do have a way to snap a head to a surface. It's something I wanted to show in the dev log but I think it's too early as it still requires more tweaks. Here's a demo of how it currently works though: https://gyazo.com/954645903218a6331b52801cc83e7ff7 You raise a good point regarding switching orifices. As it currently works, this property is not keyframable and you'd only be able to swtich orifices by transitioning to another scene. Perhaps that should be changed so you can perhaps use a slider to decide which orifice to be attached to. Getting it to be able to switch between characters is more challenging though and I don't see us trying to tackle that for a while yet. I do want to create somekind of repository of reusable animations at some point, but that's definitely going to be for later. The method you describe for changing character scale - using an custom expression and then switching the character entirely for another scene - is feasible. As always, thank you for your interest and enthusiasm in our project. It's fans like you who make our work feel rewarding and what makes us want to keep innovating. Looking forward to getting these features into your hands. All the best. - odes


Hmm, so an environment with moving parts and pre-scripted changes to said moving parts are possible, but the author/player triggering changes outside of the pre-scripted ones (in the interest of proper timing of such a change for a specific scene, for example) requires a bit of extra work on your part? I’d say it’d be well worth that extra work, as it would open a lot of doors for designers. Doors that can be opened on command being one of them, humorously enough. Yup, that’s about what I figured for the moving vehicle environments. It’s been a staple of map design trickery since 3D games first became feasible and I’ve even seen modders hack it into engines far more primitive and harder to work with than Unity, so should be little trouble here. Sounds like shader/texture changes would be limited by the same factors as moving parts in the environment, then. What I had in mind was the author/player customizing the colors of the wallpaper on-the-fly, so that’d also need custom scripting. Still, should be useful even without that for creating, say, looping adverts on screens and such. Having the IK point be the mouth rather than the center of the head is a fairly genius idea, actually. Will make kissing, biting and licking animations much more convenient to set up. Looking pretty good even in this early state, too. Excellent work. I’ve seen a few other porn games have vaginal/anal on a toggle, but those just switch between animation loops with maybe a transition animation in between. I’m guessing it’d work similarly here, except the author does the animating as they see fit. I’d imagine switching the character being penetrated on the fly is several orders of magnitude more complex of an ask, so no need to rush that one; I’m sure most people will be happy enough with a quick switch between scenes to facilitate character changes and would consider other options a nice bonus but not essential. Understandable, it would be a very useful quality-of-life feature but still, non-essential. In the meantime, copying keyframe clusters should be enough to create walk cycles and such within an interaction, at least. It’ll just be limited to that one character in that particular interaction, but I’m sure people can deal for the time being. Good to know, that’ll make transformation enthusiasts happy. You’re welcome. A better end product is well worth investing some of my interest and enthusiasm, especially since I’ve got some to spare thanks to quality entertainment being in short supply these days. If others can’t cut it, you gotta do it yourself and you’re making a powerful tool to facilitate that process for a great many aspiring creatives.


Generally, any static assets that don't involve scripting are possible to export in an asset bundle. This includes animations (you are able to animate in Unity), shaders, 3D models, textures, materials, prefabs etc. If an animation needs to play due to player interactions (like changing a property), then that is a bit more tricky and would require officially supported scripts. I do intend to release an SDK of some kind so people can perhaps set those kinds of scenarios up. Doors that can be opened wouldn't require this setup though. All you'd need to do is define the door as a node that FurryVNE recognizes, and then you'd be able to manipulate the model as any other prop. Changing colors on a wallpaper wouldn't require coding per se - it could be a color property sent to a material. (We do have support for colors in or property inspector.) All the best. - odes