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Did a lot of eye shapes, but also some predefined ones too :3




Three favourites in this one! Middle-left is adorable, bottom-left is significantly even more adorable, and the bottom-right is...just... well, I think that's some of your most wicked expressionwork to date. Sharp canines on a bovine is just badass... Methinks I need to start attending these streams. Question though: Will she get rendered fur?


that last one what the fuck

ryu lee

I like it. Still wondering if you can still make more expression for the horse and bob before you release 0.7.0


Hey Ryu Lee, regrettably I have to inform that the horse and Bob is very far down the priority list at least for the immediate future. Odes is busy reconstructing code and I'll be busy doing new characters as good as they can be. Horse and Bob will also get new model versions of them to fit in better to Yl2 too. -Dogson


is that left last one supposed to be confusion? I can't tell.


Oh that tongue, and hoping the wink option makes it into the game.


Have you made a kissy face yet? I don't think I've sen one so far.


That last expression is insane I love it, lol!


love the last expression, looks like it would be fun in action


who would even use that last expression? unless you can move the toungh around?


Wait hold on, I just noticed the middle right expression! Holy COW


It herald a lot of positive respond on the stream I did. It also comes down to the fact that this will be an optional shape that you're free to use, and not use at your own device. I hope that is reassuring to you. -Dogson


You should really change your Patreon download link, because of that I downloaded the older version of the game. Apparently the newest is 6.4 and free, while I donated 12$ and got the 6.3b version or whatever. I live in an area where my top download speed is 700kbs so having to go and re download this game again (takes about an hour) is HIGHLY annoying P.S. Love bovine ladies, very attractive. Maybe we'll get adorable chunky pig girls as well


Hi, Sorry for the trouble we caused you, and thanks for pointing out this issue. We have updated the patron download page to clearly say which build is newer. Hopefully this should prevent future mishaps. On a side note - you can always use this link to find out information about the current release: <a href="http://www.yiffalicious.com/notes" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.yiffalicious.com/notes</a> That way, you won't have to pledge unless you really want to help the project in general. :) Thanks for your support! - odes


I know you guys are working on characters at the moment but I was wondering if we were gonna get another femboy character anytime soon?


Clothing will not be implemented in the current engine. In the next engine, we will try to get it working. It will probably a system where you can add/remove clothing as desired.