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Hi all!

We wish you all have a nice and relaxing time with friends and family during this holiday.

As we wrote in our previous text, the intent was to release the new dev log about soft bodies before Christmas. We will however need a few more days for this (and there's a very good reason for it, something we will cover in detail in the dev log).

Next estimate is somewhere between Christmas and New Year's Eve. (The next build with the surprise head should arrive sometime around there as well.)

Happy holidays everyone!

All the best.

- odes & dogson



Happy holidays to you all as well! 😁 You've all done some amazing hard work this year!!


could you spoil if the reason for the slight delay is positive of negative? ;p


happy xmas we are waiting Rudolph head =)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 20:43:45 Enjoy the break! You deserve it <3
2022-12-25 18:58:30 Enjoy the break! You deserve it <3

Enjoy the break! You deserve it <3