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Dear friends,

We are removing the $9 pledge tier. (The one unlocking skins.)

This tier never felt right to us. It felt like something we just threw in there in lack of better ideas. When we launched this project, we felt a need to offer as many tiers as possible, so patrons could find the best one suited for them. And maybe this tier made sense 1.5 years ago... But if it didn't quite feel right then, it definitely doesn't feel right now. Some of our models are very old. Having been part of the game for so long, we feel that these models and content belong to you now, and thus, we cannot ask you to pay for them any longer.

Effective immediately, all skins are made free to everyone. They'll be unlocked by default in a future patch, but you can get them right away by simply entering any text in the "Menu > Unlock features" window.

If you recently pledged $9... we're keeping track of who you are, and will offer 0.7 build for free once it's released*. We hope this will make up for the fact that you pledged to an obsolete tier.

A tier to unlock certain content might return at some point in the future, but if that ever happens, it definitely offer far better value and be a lot cheaper.

That is all.

All the best.

- Yiffalicious crew

* NOTE! Only to users who pledged before this post was written. Please do not pledge $9 now and try to exploit this gift clearly meant for those who pledged unknowingly that the tier would be removed.




Shut up and take my 3 extra bucks! Although this month was the first time I pledged, I was so impressed with the progress since the last time I tried the game that its totally worth it.


hay you are doing good work here and thanks for keeping up all your hard work.


Happy New Year and all my best wishes,Yiffalicious :))


Just a question, are you planning to add Oculus Touch / HTC Vive motion control support? E.g. to manipulate the characters, objects. ☺


Cool, thanks for the update. Also, happy 2017 for you. .. ☺


When will there be humans? :(


I think it would be a good idea to add humans too as an option, it would make possible even more scene combinations; additionally to the current ones of course... ^_^


When will we be adding more femboys? D:


WOOOOW!!!!))))) GOOD NEWS!!!! THANK YOU!!!)))


Easy there fella, let our cow beauty get in here first, also we don't have muscular female yet, or any xxl character. Knowing that some day Y-Crew is going to add so many characters into the program... it fills me with determination.




Thank youuuuuuuu 😍😍😍😍