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Pardon the quiet as of late. Things are happening, we just haven’t taken the time to write a post about it until now. (Sorry!)

0.6.3 will be a lot about improvements, polish and VR. There are however a couple of new features being implemented as well. Here’s a compilation of our latest additions (both content and features).


We never intended for Fraenir only to have a single skin, so in 0.6.3 we are remedying that by making a couple more!









With the futa and herm variations implemented, we felt it was necessary to give Ilinir the ability to express more emotions. Here’s a selection of the new ones being added:


All these (and more) are added to both default and futa/herm variations.


We always wanted to give Ilinir some sort of wig from the very beginning, but lack of time made us push it until now.

Here we want to do a “windswept mane” hairstyle that we believe will fit her nicely.



Obviously, the hair is not textured or anywhere near complete, but we’re excited to see how it will all turn out!

(Hair will be optional.)

New features

Wetness & see through

This has been requested several times previously in our forums and at our patreon page. Now we’re finally implementing wetness and see through.

This is what a character looks like with full wetness:


Here’s an example see through together with wetness:


These are just two separate sliders than you can configure in the skin settings of the characters.


A lot effort is being put into 0.6.3 to make Yiffalicious better adapted for VR. A new menu is being been implemented with VR in mind,  and we’ve integrated Steam VR into the project for better Vive support.

One problem we faced when designing the VR menu was how you’re supposed to select things. Not all VR devices come with controllers such as those that come with the Vive, and we wanted to create something that works with any HMD. For this, we looked at Unity’s VR samples for inspiration. What they do is instead of using controllers, they use the HMD itself and look direction for interaction. Here is a video showing how that works.


After trying out this way of interacting with things we came to the conclusion that it was too cumbersome and honestly quite uncomfortable. Having to look around in this manner causes motion-sickness and is just generally annoying to use. For example, when selecting an option, you’d have to keep the reticle above it for a period of time in order to confirm the selection. This is required since the method lacks precision. So we decided to go with something different.

After doing some more testing, we arrived at the solution of simply using the mouse as input device. It’s something basically every computer has, and while the input is two dimensional, we can still project such input in 3D space.

Here’s an example of what it looks like when used on our newly VR adapted warning menus:


Here is the VR menu itself.


Right now, it is brought up by pressing left and right mouse buttons at the same time.

This method feels a lot better to use. It doesn’t cause motion sickness and doesn’t lack precision.

We’ve laid out the foundation of this context sensitive menu and all that remains is just implementing all its options.

Other improvements

We’ve worked a lot on trying to increase the performance in 0.6.3. We’ve thoroughly gone through the code and profiler to find and eliminate unnecessary routines and thus increase framerates. We’re happy to announce that we’ve managed to get a big performance boost when characters are present (compared previous builds) - especially when playing a scene (currently when playing a scene framerate drops significantly).

We’re trying to get out 0.6.3 before the end of the month.


(No title)


ryu lee

the update are freaking awesome!! XD


wow, there's a lot of stuff being added in this update :3


AMAZING! Does the wetness work on the rhino as well, or just the females?


When will the other females have the new tit mechanic implemented?


Not sure. We've been talking about eventually taking a (probably shorter) cycle to go through and update all the old models, but nothing has been decided. (Adding the new tit mechanic requires some rework of the old meshes.)


The new Sombra skin looks interesting.


Additional VR support, Wetness & See Through... best update ever.


I am immensely curious to find out how furred characters look with that Wetness slider.


See through is going to be amazing. Is there any thoughts of adding a customizable camera to set in the world with the image showing up in a subwindow? I like to look at the expressions while looking at other things like other pairings. It will only add to the vr and normal experience. Mirrors can only take you so far. I imagine the feature being implemented by positioning via wsad and a pressing a button to record camera angle as the current view position. Creating the subwindow will be repositionable and resizable. In vr the subwindow can either follow the head or not and be angled to make it look like a console so looking down at it will let you see it properly while straight forward will not be interfered . sorry just thinking of a good example and this post is now huge


Fraenir's new skins are fantastic. I love the "green zebra" one. Illnír hair looks promising, I want to see it finished. Wetness is just perfect. I'm also curious about fur+wetness (if those two can be used simultaneously).


Hi yiffalicious i have an idea for The Fox . For Players Who want esperienze


New pose like me,make him a bigger dog's penis largest of the rhino.To make beautiful scenes of rape. Wath do you Think?