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You asked for it, and here it is. Ilinír the dragoness is getting a flat-chested treatment (as in an additional state), and it's the best one we've made. She isn't the first one of course, with the Cat being flat-chested by default, but the approach we've taken on Ilinír is different.

Unlike Cat, Ilinír's default state is not flat-chested. Whereas Cat has 2 states (default -> inflated), Ilinír has 3 states (flat-chested -> default -> inflated). This means her technical definition is higher than for other models, as we've worked on each state individually. That extra definition does give it another feel, and makes the effect more pronounced.

Here are two example videos:



If you look closely and study the videos, you can see that there's a lot more going on than simply inflating and deflating the mesh with blend shapes. In addition to using blend shapes, we are also blending normal maps, vertex normals, bones and skinning data. This removes some of that "balloon" feeling you could otherwise get if working solely with blend shapes (especially if there's just 1 instead of 2 as we have now).

All future female characters will get this treatment of having both a flat-chested state in addition to their default and inflated states.

We know we've been a bit quite lately, something that was talked about in our forum. In the thread, I explained that things are indeed happening, but that we're in somewhat of a phase right now where we need to get several things working together before having something to show. It's just one of those steps. Soon...

(Btw, this flat-chested technique is not the surprise we have listed on our roadmap, although I suppose you could say it is related.)


(No title)



This is awesome! I'm really curious to see this in action and how the textures are handled.


Not crazy about flat chests, but it's nice to see variety! Helps appeal to more audiences! Can't wait for the hyena!


Love it. I like variety when it comes to breasts. Sometimes I'm in the mood for small, sometimes bigger. I think this is a great addition! And I know how it can be when you have a long development cycle and not much to show for a few weeks (I'm going through that at my work... two months and it's all backend coding that has no visual impact... people start to think you're not doing anything even when you're working your butt off!


Glad you like it! Yeah, tell me about it. Usually there's way more work than you first anticipated too. Wrapping everything up can take such long time. I mean, there's a reason the ninety-ninety rule exists (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninety-ninety_rule" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninety-ninety_rule</a> ).


I'm still hoping the surprise is the sheep girl, despite making more sense to release her in the farm cycle. Or maybe it's the elf girl you guys worked on a while ago, since afterall, you can't have a fantasy setting without elves.

ryu lee

little breast almost like the female cat but looks like more than a man breast.


must say, it looks good on her.


You're getting pretty good at the evil art of building hype for mistery surprise updates.


Are they the same shape as the current model we have?


I'm not sure I understand! The model in the latest patron build does not have a flat-chested shape, so it cannot be the same.


the "default" state is the same as the current model, right? so if we don't change any settings they look the same? this just adds a "flat" state you can adjust them to in addition to the inflated state?


Right. So The inflation slider starts in the middle now, with the middle being default, -1 being flat chested and +1 being inflated. The video only shows -1 -&gt; 0, i.e. flat to default.