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You all know the drill; vote for next head after Otter.

( Vote for one option proved to be quite impopular so we won't be touching that option again ^^; )



Gator.😁 I'd love some more reptiles.

Anon Anonson

Whoo boy, crocogator and sheeps in a landslide so far


I really hope that the goat/sheep wins.


So you got rid of the dolphin because it didn’t get votes last round? The polar bear didn’t either, and I’d say it’d be feasible to have that as a tweakable option for the brown bear (much like the panda) so I’m curious as to what the logic here is, exactly? I suppose you could make it a tweakable for the orca, but again, why’s that not the case for the polar bear? Throwing my vote the orca’s way, in any case. Cetaceans are cool and we could use a few more aquatic species on the roster. Looks like this round’s going to the ‘gators, though. Eh, close enough, I suppose. Roster’s kinda lacking in reptiles too, so it’ll fill that gap nicely. Edit: Oh, the boar's also gone. That's understandable, though, it'd be a very easy tweakable for the pig.


I'd love to see a dolphin! But at least there's orca there XD


I noticed every vote has more than one, since Dolphin got canned, LOL! Shame dolphin is no longer an option! I heard female dolphins mating is insane, so an anthro one should’ve been ideal! Oh well!


In some way I am a bit sad that Odes and Dogson went with detailed heads instead of more overall heads with lots of tweakables options. In my mind more general headtypes would have offered much more options. Like one head for bears that could be tweaked to look panda. Or orca head that could be tweaked to look dolphin. But the poll was made and people voted for detailed heads, so that's what we have. Luckily we still have the custom offsets to save our day!


A wild idea (heh furry pun!) The next 2 heads voted for should be the most and the least, that way people who REALLY want the least voted don’t have to wait until the end and STILL the most voted head wins. I still feel bad about Dolphin! That was going to be my second choice, but I REALLY wanted Gator first. I think that’s how a lot of people feel about the least voted heads, it’s not that we don’t want them ever, it’s just that other heads we REALLY want first. Maybe orca is also going to be dolphin. I mean it is an orca-like creature after all. It’s literally just a skinnier head. Simple default offsets will fix that right up.