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Hi everyone, we hope you're doing well!

Please excuse the lack of posts lately. We're in the process of migrating everything in our cloud service to a new system (Datastore -> Cloud SQL, Blobstore -> Cloud storage). This will bring immense improvements in terms of query times and eventually better search options for the pose browser as well. While this work is cool and all, it isn't perhaps the most exciting thing to read about because it's mostly just techy backend server stuff. Usually when we post things we want to have something more visual and tangible to share. So we figured we just want to get the cloud thing over with asap so we can resume our normal work.

However, we just made something we think is worth sharing, so that's why we decided to write this. But before we get into that...

$10,000 passed

So this came as quite a surprise for us. At the beginning of the month, we had around 700 patrons and a revenue around $7,000. But ever since we released 0.6.0, patrons have been dropping in at a steady rate. We thought it would level out, but it just kept going, and now we just passed $10,000. I suppose the Dragoness was a real hit. :)

It's hard to express the gratitude we feel for your amazing support. All of this just started as a distant dream around 2 years ago, and in a way it still feels like a dream because working and getting paid for something like this is totally unreal. Wow, the times we live in. I don't know how we can thank you enough for the faith and support you put into us, other than emphasize that we're sincere in our gratitude and will do our best to honor your support. There's probably no better way to do that than to continue our work.

Thank you guys, so very much!

Vaginal dripping

So this is the main reason for this post. We hadn't thought of implementing this just yet since we're in the middle of the new cloud implementation, but sometimes it's like something just comes over me and I feel compelled to do something different. I've learnt that it's best to let this sort energy flow freely, so whatever task was being done can be temporarily put aside.

This is still very early footage and not by any means finished.

Stationary example


Reaction to movement


As you can see, the farther the drop is stretched, the more slowly it will move and sort of have weighty feeling to it. 

The inspiration for this came from a guy called Fek. You've probably heard of him and his furry project R2CK, but if you haven't, you should definitely check it out because it is awesome. R2CK has a really cool dripping dynamic, so we were very inspired by that and wanted to create something similar for our own project.

Other stuff

Dogson is working on the new muscular male dragon model, and will hopefully soon have something to show. We were thinking of streaming sometime this week, so stay tuned for announcements here on patreon for when we go live!

- odes




Awesome to see more updates coming. Not sure if i'm the only one, but i would love to read about any 'techy backend server stuff' you're willing to share!


Congrats on passing the 10K mark. Now you can afford the good coffee.


Over 10k, dayum! I was wondering when you'd reach that mark. Congrats!


And I'm really proud of you guys and all your work! keep it up! :D


Good lord, looking at those gifs makes me thirsty. Also, would it be a good idea to implement the same technique to non-penetrative penises? Looks like it would work good this way as well.


save for retirement guys! I'm always hearing horror stories about being left penniless after a SNAFU, and I want you guys to enjoy the fruits of your labor forever, so make sure you save! Edit: This dripping feature makes me wonder how far away we are from gooey cum being plastered all over bodies and slowly dripping down, similar to this?


I'm honstly not all that surprised that the dragon had such an impact, she is without a doubt the best character implemented thus far, and hopefully she'll serve as a great standard for the quality of future content. Really liking the look of the dripping action. Looks like it could serve as a basis for things like leaking pre or dripping jizz from orificies after a creampie. Keep up the great work.


Hello, I am part of the new supporting you. Personally I bought this month to test the VR. The dragon, the new map and new items have also helped me, it's a big update you made :) but especially the VR that I am bringing. And I have to say I am a little disappointed, there is no interface, the quality seems reduced and it was not possible to edited a pose. I know this is just the beginning so I trust you then I do not regrete my purchase, I would expect the coming days has put forward :) If you have no idea for the interface you can inspire you to "vr player simple" I use it for video and windows that afloat is very pleasant and intuitive. Here is a video to show you a bit: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rAHhc5UvUI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rAHhc5UvUI</a> sorry for my english (google translation)


Hi, Thanks for pointing these things out. VR is not done yet, but by the end of the 0.6 cycle it will be much better than it is now.


is stomach deformation on the list of things to do. looks a little weird a little female and big rhino and no impact on that ????


Nice can't wait for that is a must have how about Human female and male in the game to ???


Are there any plans to add numbered pages to the browser? Currently you can only go so far back, so any interactions for, say, the "anal" tag beyond a certain age are just basically gone.


I was waiting for Vive support, now that it's here I'm all in!


Sorry for the late reply. The cloud will be updated in 0.6.1, bringing a whole range of improvements. The issue you raise is fixed for that release.