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This release is the biggest one we have ever made. Not only in terms of new features and improvements, but also in terms of new content and the lengths we’ve gone to fulfill our vision. Dragoness is without doubt the character we’ve poured the most time and effort into. Partly because she was a huge challenge for us, both artistically and technically, but also because we wanted to push ourselves farther than we had done before. We must say we are quite pleased with the result. So pleased in fact that we made a video in her honor. Check it out!

Dragoness e621 porn vid


We had lots of fun making this. :)

But yeah, on to the main event - the build!


Click here to download:


Release notes


Quick tips

The new fantasy level is pretty big, so we just wanted to go ahead and share this tips when navigating:

  • Press TAB to go into WASD camera mode
  • Use scroll wheel (when in WASD camera mode) to increase/decrease speed
  • Press and hold shift to increase movement speed even further

Thank you

Thank you guys so much for the support and feedback you guys provide. Your faith in us is what drives us forward. <3

Enjoy & have fun!




Alright! Finally we're able to get our hands on this, although I'm sure its worth the wait. Awesome job as always guys, keep it up!


Thank you for giving us this cute new dolly to play with, and the new stage too.. Can't wait to try her out.&gt;//3//&gt;


Hit it right out of the park! She looks incredible, your texturing is getting so good. The scales, the private bits all look wonderful. Took a look in that mouth of hers, damn your detail oriented.. Just have to remind her no teeth ;). The new level is also fantastic, love it! Thanks so much for your dedication and effort in this project. So much improvement as a whole, Bravo!

Shadow Drake

Wow thats a ton of improvements.. guess I need to finally update my old ones or just see how they run now :P


I'm not huge into Furry stuff but I like scalies ;) Also, VR makes this an instant buy for me.


wow, that came out sooner than I exppected. I do believe my day just improved massively. I just hope I don't end up getting dicked over by the unity update.


Fantastic features and dragoness well done gang! Keep up the awesome work :D


is... Is that Scarborough Fair I'm hearing on the Fantasy map?




Just a note that Quick-Calibrate on the VIVE, nukes SteamVRs existing chaperone bounds setting. So we who are using SteamVR will want to grab a tool like bilago's Chaperone Switcher -- see <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/4dt2p6/vive_chaperone_switcher_manager_v10x_by_bilago/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/4dt2p6/vive_chaperone_switcher_manager_v10x_by_bilago/</a> -- and save our existing chaperone configuration, so we can load it back up again for other games. Once you've Quick Calibrated its also worth saving that as a separate configuration so you can load it up the next you run Yiffalicous.


Also, if you want to walk around the yiffing in room-scale, then you should use your normal bounds configuration, not the quick calibrate one. Assuming your seated position is near the edge of your chaperone boundary, when you load up the level or pose you're interested in, you should be able to see the bounds grid. Use the camera controls to reposition grid, so that aligns correctly with the floor level and the characters you are interested are within your walkable space . The you can set the pose running and walk around. Note POV settings will be broken like this, so you do currently need the Quick-Calibrate bounds to make those work.


Hello ! I have a problem with the v0.6.0 I'm creating and then all becomes white and crash


More users have been running into the issue you describe. The common denominator is that they all have AMD cards. For now, solution is to disable Tessellation (Menu &gt; Graphics &gt; Tessellation), and/or reduce graphics setting in launcher (Fast/Fastest setting). We'll be patching this bug as soon as we've found a solution.


Okay ! pending your patch I will reduce the graphic quality as you advised me. thank you for your reply


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAjuEGoWCWk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAjuEGoWCWk</a>


it's cute dragoness! by the way,Are there any plans in the future to implement stomach bulge?


Not sure if it's just me but parenting limbs seems to be a bit borked and/or loading an interaction I just made ended up with limbs all over the place. other than that everything looks fantastic :3 edit: I re-loaded the animation and noticed the limb points had somehow relocated themselves to positions waaaay off the main stage, after deleting them and re-positioning the limbs it seems fine now. also another bug: wings don't stay hidden after loading saved interaction.


Yeah, we noticed this too. We just committed a patch to the repo which hopefully fixes this. We'll deploy a patch release in some days.


The new force model, leaning and spine solver are fantastic, well done Odes. Dogson, what more can anyone say about dragoness, she's a wonder.


I think I may have encountered a similar problem with the mirroring. It might be how I'm angling my characters or how leveled the terrain is, but sometimes the joints won't line up how I want them to.


I'm wondering if there will be any futanari characters in the works?

Ezyk Jaraad

I just had to be away from my computer this weekend :(


Love the new version. Though it seems that my laptop I run the game on will crash when I play. My graphics driver will fail when setting up poses. Any ideas on how to fix?


My one gripe so far is to smooth out Dragonness's fully inflated stomach a little more, but other than that, great upload.


Nvm, fixed my issue. Love it. So much more to do and test! :D


Most definitely. This was a concept sculpt Dogson did previously, which we both would like to implement at some point: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/4871622">https://www.patreon.com/posts/4871622</a>


There's an issue with AMD and some intel gfx. Solution is to disable tessellation and/or reduce settings to "Fast".


<a href="https://gfycat.com/NeedyAlienatedHawaiianmonkseal" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/NeedyAlienatedHawaiianmonkseal</a>


Is there supposed to be no UI in Vive? Constantly​ getting it off to switch scenes or press play is not ideal... Also will you implement controllers (would that be Vive ones or Oculus)


Yeah VR doesn't have UI right now. Sorry about that. We'll fix this in a future release. Controllers - how would you like them to work in Yiffalicious?


Hello beta, and thank you for your words, they mean a lot to me. Yes, indeed, she's been the most challenging character I've done so far in technical terms , but also the most rewarding and satisfying thing I've also done so far. I regarded all of the input from you, our patrons but I let myself have a clear artistic vision on how she should look like. Taking in a lot of conflicting input can, most of the time, sadly, turn a work of art to a clunky design by commission that doesn't really satisfy anyone. As long as I will have to do the characters, there needs to be a single artistic vision that stays on target. This has nothing to do about not caring about patron input, but about letting art and design take the front seat. Sorry for the delayed answer, I've been taking some days off for rest recreation, now it's on towards the male dragon! -Dogson


You can do lots of stuff with controllers. You have good physics in, so apart from touching, you can even control toys to play as an extra invisible actor in the scene. Lots of potential there


this build is great, i'm loving the bondage gear and the dragoness is super sexy, but her wings are a nightmare for me to pose, they have a learning curve, for sure.