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Okay so this months head poll is done and to, at least my big surprise, Hyena head spurted ahead and snagged the first place. Goat seemed to be the obvious winner for quite a while, but democracy has spoken and Hyena it will be then!  

We have been conceptualizing and idea of making one (or two depending on how well they'll deform) generic bird head with a featureless beak, this beak will then work as sort of a handle for attaching a variety of beaks belonging to various bird species.

We believe that beaks, being stiff and inflexible,  can work as parts, ie not garments that will fill up one or even two garment-slots.  

Perhaps we can book in January for making that head and putting the poll for a break then?

- Dogson


Aliens Guy 42

Finally avians get their much needed attention


Good thing that hyena pulled ahead, that'll open up more variety in options. It should be easy enough to style the gazelle head into a decidedly caprine form with a bit of sculpting for those that want it. Welcome news on the avian front, too. Sounds like a solid plan to give us a generic model to customize as needed. I will say, though, that a flexible beak could be handy for certain purposes, such as Brooklyn-style gargoyles, but this solution ought to tide us over until the voting list thins out a bit.


Or try resculpting the horse head, took some tweaking but I managed to get something decent looking. Still would have liked an already finished head.