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This is part 2 of a 2 part series. You can read part 1 here.

In addition to reworking the force model for 0.6.0, we are also bringing several improvements and new features to the thrusting system in general. Let's jump straight into the nitty gritty!

Female leaning

The long awaited female leaning is finally here. An attached thruster can cause his mate to lean according to his own thrusting curve (very much like his own leaning). Simply use the "Thruster - Mate hump" slider to control how much his mate will lean during the penetration.




Comparison to old


More examples





A penetrated character will only use mate leaning if it itself is not attached to an entrance. This is because the mate leaning in that case would be overridden by the thruster leaning. Furthermore, it's only the character that is first attached to an entrance that can cause mate leaning [for that character]. For example, if you attached 2 characters to a female - firstly one to her vag and the second one to her anus - then it's only the vag attached character that can cause the leaning. If you want the anus attached character to be the one causing it, then you need to add him first or remove the first one and then re-add him (so the anus attached character gets higher up in the attachment stack).

New spine solver

During the development of the female leaning, we noticed we had to come up with another component to make it look great. Using leaning only would cause the interaction to look really weird:

Leaning by itself


To combat this, we invented our own IK spine solver that basically tries to retain the characters orientation [before leaning].

Leaning with custom spine solver


This new solver works for male characters and their leanings as well.

Without spine solver


With spine solver


This solver is accessed through the "Spine" category of the characters' panels. Simply us the "Spine: Retain" slider to configure how much you want to weight this IK solver.

Other improvements

In addition to these improvements, we have overhauled the logic and math behind multiple character interaction. Previously, several problems could arise. Take this example:

Old multiple interaction behavior


(Depth = 0, Leaning for middle character = 1)

This is a bit of an extreme, but it does show some of the problems.

Firstly, the leftmost character is trying to follow the middle character's movements [since it is attached to him], but that causes him to move in a very long arc.

Secondly, the leftmost character's penis is twisted (ouch!):


And thridly, the middle character's penis is offest from target (orifice), due to leaning:


All these issues have been [somewhat] solved using our new behaviors:


As you can see, while the leftmost character is still following the middle character's movements, it is no longer moving in a wide arc.

Also, our new code makes it impossible for a penis to twist. No manual guides are required (Advanced: Auto pole slider has been removed).

The traction is also a lot better. A penis cannot be offset from the path to an orifice (but it can be moved on that path back and forth).


We are absolutely thrilled to see how these changes will affect your interactions. We are positive the new force model and improvements in general will greatly increase the quality for all future interactions.

Getting all these systems and their parameters to play together was a bit of a challenge and headache. There may still be some bugs lurking around, but despite that we are confident this was the right way to go and interactions will just get better from now on.


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The new leaning looks fantastic, can't wait to see it in action in 0.6.0


Looks great, can't wait to give the new behaviors a spin.

Ezyk Jaraad

Holy crap! it's like Christmas!

Shadow Drake

Looking great... so going to have to work on my old stuff to see the improments... and actually get some new ones done :P


Hot damn, that leaning looks really great!

ryu lee

very good. hope to see it with the male characters because that's what I mostly interested of. :3


Yes absolutely, this is for males too. "Female leaning" is a bad description but I thought it would make the feature more clear, since we already have male leaning. But a better way to describe it is humpee leaning vs penetrator leaning.


Seriously, stop amazing me with every new update... I'm starting to loose feeling in my face.


This is really great, it'll add a ton to the interactions!


Damn, that's a hell of a lot of improvement for ONE update guys. Seriously, wow.


That is just stunning! GREAT WORK GUYS!

Shadow Drake

You could just be nice about it and say something like 'Giver and Receiver' when it comes to it =)


man, all of these new features look amazing. Really looking forward to 0.6

ryu lee

I was being nice. Did I say something rude because I was say don't worry about it like that's not being rude. :/


I've wanted female leaning since forever! Thank you so much!


will this be on the next release?

ryu lee

Hey there Odes or Dogson, do you think you will be able to give all these male characters to have jockstrap for optional in the future? I would love to see that and makes it more sexy too. :3

ryu lee

Also one thing I would love this to be in the future version. Would there be a optional button that it can turn male character into cuntboy for optional for the interactions or is that impossible to do?


The characters would have to be planned during development for such a feature to be possible.

