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OK! Deer won the latest head poll with 99 votes total (as of today 31-10) And I'll begin work on it starting tomorrow monday.

Again, let's see what other head will win this round?

- Dogson

Edit: I am aware that the Owl got double tagged, Patreon API doesn't allow us to delete the double entry  and restarting the poll would be seen as unfair so the second owl in vertical order will be ignored.


Aliens Guy 42

Why people ignore birb i have no idea


Interior crocodile alligator,


I drive a Cheverly motivator


I really dont understand why people want to be a goat.

Drak Drake

Goat? Terrifying... Those horizontal eyes... *Shudder* they hit me right in the middle of the uncanny valley for some reason. I REALLY THINK you guys should make just one bird before you go on with any of these votes, because right now avians have NO representation in this program. It strikes me as unfair and kinda "racist." Also you have Owl listed twice.

Drak Drake

Seriously, avian furries have absolutely no representation in this thing, yet, and it strikes me as kinda "racist." We should have all of the major kingdoms represented before we move on with any of these votes.


This is just the first couple of hours of the poll and everything is on the table intill it gets locked within two weeks. For example the Hyena poll started slow but later was a strong second behind Deer. So we'll just have to see. - Dogson

Mobius Scarf

Owl is listed twice


hope it's a boer goat if that's what we get, I like the convex nose bridge


Misstakes can and do happen but I wish Patreon API would allow deletion of double entry : / Wrote an update on the post. - Dogson


Doing a convex nose bridge shape if the Goat gets the home run should be doable. - Dogson


Nice call lack of brides racist then discriminate against anyone who likes goats in the same post I think you’re missing something my friend… it’s all literally a game anyway I personally don’t like avian characters cause I find the feather and Beak thing hard to wrap my head around but I’d be cool with having one Added in the future I get a lot of bird Comission requests. There’s just a lot of others I’m more excited about Dodson and odes are being extremely fair with the polls I haven’t got my bear yet either but it will take time and every head made is an exciting addition no need to go calling racist … or is is speciest lol


Im advocating for a bird head once again. But I know dragons are popular, and a more advanced dragon head akin to big_canine/feline is welcomed.


I'd like to see a Bear, then some birds. I already have ideas for a Parrot, but I gotta wait.


I like sheep, goat and pig, but some anons are right about the birbs. Would love to see a swan or chicken in your style some day.


Looking like goat's pulling ahead for now. Ehhh, can't say I like that development. Gazelle, deer and goat are all very similar in basic shape, so are primarily a matter of tweaking proportions, something that could easily be done by us users with the mesh offset system. More options is always nice, of course, but three very similar options in sequence? Goes to show the crowd isn’t necessarily the best place to ask for prioritization tips. Still, this is the system that’s been in use for a while, so I suppose we’re stuck with it. Problem is, we’ll likely be getting all the mammalian and most of the reptilian options voted in long before the avians, since they’re nowhere near as popular as those other two, relatively speaking. Whatever happened to griffins, anyhow? Used to be in vogue in the early-to-mid 00’s, rarely see them these days. I don’t suppose there’s any chance we could get a special edition poll for just the birbs at some point in the near future? If not, there’s going to be ample opportunity for an enterprising individual to come up with an adaptable custom solution, maybe with an example character that’s a blackjack-playing hooker...


This guy has a point As I said I’m not a bird or avian fan but it seems every other vote is gonna be filled with the few advocates complaining about it and honestly it would be a nice addition … I also see you guys have added multiple….multiple bird options to make it fair on the polls but there still isn’t enough support to outrank the rest of us maby if the others agree we should give them the next avian only poll to see which bird is more popular … I’m willing to wait for my bear then we can get on with out all the complaining …. Also a griffin would be sick so if gun for Eagle style …. For now though Goats gonna be awesome I have 2 in mind already the tattoos are gonna be intense


Am a dergy but i voted avian since i think they have a point. No reason for another dragon when there are lots of species to play with.

Cass. Wyvern

You know, owl if done well can be REALLY good. I'm not an owl fan but I saw a really good anthro piece the other day and it's got me thinking twice.


I think next poll should have less options. Too many options to choose from can be overwhelming.


That's a fair point. Perhaps the next round will be quite reduced. Maybe take the 5-6 most voted heads and just hold them? - Dogson


Perhaps two different polls entirely. first one with general features, and a second one with more specifics. There was a lot of options for avian so the votes where divided along all of them. I dont know if one of the birds would have won but i and some commenters think the game needs at least one avian base.