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Hey everyone, during this period I'm working with a Gazelle head for Khana (pictures coming soon) I'd like to put my finger up in the air and see where you guys would like to see us going for the next head.

As usuall the one with the most votes will see it's creation be completed in the next month ^^

- Dogson



As per usual, let me advocate for avian heads here. It’s still the one animal kingdom we have nothing for, and while the new part, garment and offset tools do allow us to fix up an avian head ourselves, it would nevertheless be nice to have an official base to work off of, too, as it’d save a good bit of work.


I really wish for Elaine to make a comeback. She was my favourite in Yiffalicious.


This right here, also waterfowl option where?? Though deer and sheep seem good for diversity as well. Getting something like a hyena head would suck since it'd basically just be alt dog. Would love it if you went for increasing diversity instead of what's popular in regards to new assets


I will back you up on that. We need a good basis for Avians. Most heads already satisfy most if not all popular animal choice. But avians... :(


I’ve been waiting for a panda for years so I’d be keen on the bear head and I feel like we could tweak it to fit a lot of the other categories


2 questions for dogson, did you plan to make all the head of the list in the end ? and the out of bound question : an upgrade for the fur tools or a new tool for hair ? (can't do whatever you want with the actual tool easly .) have a good day/night =)


Dogson is offline right now but I what kind of upgrade would you like to see for the fur tools? - odes


Yeah, depending on how long a support we will get for this project I will probably do all of them in due time. Polls like these are here to determine what head people would like to see implemented first. - Dogson


thanks for the anwsers =) Odes , maybe i don't know all the aspect of it, and it's difficult to express my opinion on i...from work you showed me, you can a lot of thing, but i can manage to make the hair the way i want it, "the fur manipulation" as some limitation, like i can turn the fur/hair left but not right, can't make them curly or make them following the body by curving them. For long hair it's really a pain to make them =)


Alt Tab - You should be able to do all of that, except for making it curly. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying though. But you are most definitely able to comb the hair in any direction, and make it go along the body.