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Hi all!

The most recent builds mark a major milestone for us, as we're now prepared to start working on the new animation and interaction systems. Up until this point, I have more or less worked continuously for the past 7 years - never taking any prolonged time off during holidays (they were spent working on my projects). So I think it's about time that, if not taking some time off, at the very least do something different for a while, if only just for a week or two.

Dogson will continue to work as usual, but will take some time off later during the autumn. So we'll still have new content and updates for you.

The upcoming major release will implement the new interaction and animation systems, and will probably be the biggest update in terms of new tech and features. So this is going to take some time to produce.

In the meantime, we'll still work on new content and make new minor builds, but as far as new features are concerned, it's all being focused on these new systems. So I hope you'll have patience with us. We'll share progress updates about these systems as they're being made.

A more detailed list of things that we're doing for this major release:

Upgrade to Unity 2019

We're at Unity 2018 atm, and as this version will stop receiving updates, it's about time we move on to another LTS release. We also want to upgrade any 3rd party libs to their newest versions.

This will most likely cause a ton of things needing to be fixed, but in the end it will be worth it as we can enjoy everything that Unity 2019 has to offer as well as improvement and optimizations of the 3rd party libraries.

New physics & IK system

We have big ambitions for our new animation systems, and the current IK and physics simply aren't good enough for that. We want a versatile system that blends both physics and IK while maintaining great performance and having tailored compatibility for the kinds of interactions fans create with our apps. We have evaluated the systems that currently exist for Unity, and come to the conclusion none is up to par with what we want to do. Thus, we'll have to create our very own systems.

So this includes a custom physics engine as well as an IK system built on top of it. The added control we'll have from implementing our own physics engine means we'll have unprecedented control of all the stages in the animation pipeline, making it possible to create great animations with ease and realism.

Soft body dynamics

We already have a soft body system that we started working on some time ago. After we have implemented our new physics systems, we want to integrate this system with it. Also, a lot of polish and optimization will be required. But once all that is done, we'll have a truly dynamic soft body system running in real time for the characters in FurryVNE.

Penetration dynamics

We already have a battle-tested algorithm for doing orifice deformation - but now we want to improve on this. Not only make it more performant, but also make it deform more realistically. We have a ton of ideas how this could be done, but it remains to be seen how these ideas will pan out. So a lot of implementation and testing still remains here.

Interaction editor

It goes without saying, but in order to make use for any of these systems, we'll need an interaction editor where you can set them up. This will take some time to implement.

Our ambition is to make interactions easier and more fun to set up while at the same time offer greater opportunities for what types of interactions are possible to create.

Cloud changes

The cloud needs to be adapted to work with interactions.

Sound system

Audio is something we're taking very seriously. We will be working with a dedicated audio designer this time around, to not only create better sounds but also hook it into the animation pipeline in a way that is more seamless, versatile and customizable.


More things we'd like to do if we have the time:

Cloth dynamics

We have a system for binding cloth to body, which works OK for tightly fitting cloth. However, cloth that doesn't belong to a specific surface or bone will not work so great (loosly hanging cloth). We want to implement a system that simulates such clothing in real time, so we can have great looking dresses etc correctly deforming as characters move.

Character creator

The character creator is in a good state, but it can always be better. We have been cutting corners, and thus some features are straight out missing. Like being able to create multiple outfits and switching between them is a feature that is missing completely atm. Also, icons and general polish needs to be looked into as well.


These are the things I can think of on the top of my head, but I'm sure there's more. There's always more. The point is - it's going to take some time. We'll show progress during this whole implementation phase, and we'll continue to create new content builds. But as far as new features are concerned, they're all going to come in a huge clump of savory delight, aka next major.

We've got great things planned for the coming months with new content updates, so stay tuned for that!

All the best.

- odes



You've definitely come a long way, and of course it's far from done, but don't burn yourself out. Please take a break if you need to. The real fans will understand, I do. Excited for the interactions, but trust me, I can be patient.😁


Take a vacay, my man. Y'all have been doing an amazing job at not just developing FurryVNE, but also at keeping us, your patrons, up to date on everything and sharing your progress. Of all the projects I support, you guys have been one that I have never once regretted giving money to. It'll take more than a well deserved break to get me rid of me as a supporter.


Get some rest! You've been working on this tirelessly. Please take some time to yourself. Don't even talk about furryvne while on break, if you can help it. It'll do so much for you.


Seven years without a proper break? You’re quite the workaholic, Odes. Take a good rest, you’ve more than earned it. As for the plan, looks solid on paper, at least. Hopefully, implementation hiccups keep themselves to a minimum. There is one fairly big point missing, though, and that would be custom part bones. Long appendages like tails have no method for articulating currently, outside of using the garment system’s alternate shape mechanism with something rigged in Blender to create those alternate shapes, but that doesn’t have options for smooth, tweakable-like transitions between the shapes last I checked. Not an issue with static poses, but for animation? Definitely something that needs addressing, in my humble opinion, at the very least by enabling us to have custom tweakables for garments much like the last update did with the shape offsets for the body mesh. Would also be a handy stopgap solution to faking cloth physics, with a bit of extra alternate shape work on the user’s end. Also, one thing you’ll want to keep in mind with the interaction editor is the possibility to make canned animations for characters; there’s quite a few types of animation that are frequently useful, but would be a major pain to do individually each time they’re needed, such as walk/run cycles, idle fidgeting and repetitive/looping activities, to name a few. I’m fairly sure you’ve already factored this concern into your plans, but just making sure, as it will be a big help to the end user. Good that you’ll be showcasing things in more detail as they progress, us fans will be able point out things and come up with better suggestions with more info to go off of. Looking forward to seeing what you’ve got cooking.


Tails and custom parts will be possible to add physics behavior to. It'll happen along with the new physics systems. - odes


Ah, excellent. It’ll be interesting to see how that system will work; I recall having some issues back in YL1 if I wanted, for example, to wrap one character’s tail around the waist of another character, since the physics wanted to keep the two separate on account of the collision detection. Hopefully, what you’ve got in mind accounts for this and provides greater flexibility and control to the user on how exactly things behave in action.


Seven years huh? This alone shows how much passion went into all your projects from the very beginning till now. So take your break this is indeed what you need! Till now you provided us with excellent support and a really awesome tool to work with. In the meantime we'll polish your characters and invent some new things and maybe in a year or two this thing will simply outrun pretty much everything what the net has to offer. "Like being able to create multiple outfits and switching between them" yeah that's the feature I probably will like most!^^ Also being able to simulate some dresses would be awesome, but in my opinion those things can wait till we all know how animations and physics will work in your environment and of course there will be a lot of work till this happens but I'm very positive that you'll power through that. One thing I was thinking a lot is how expressions will be working in the future. Of course it's nice that we creators can make them on every character individually but that would be so much work for everyone that probably no one would do that. However general expressions tied to the head shape also won't work that good for stylized characters with heavy offsets. We'll see how things turn out in the end but for now I wish you all the best and get some rest from mashing buttons and keys ;)

John Vermer

If only Yandere Dev worked so hard XD


Awesome. You deserve the off time, really. I know a lot of people are impatient for interaction systems, but the character creator really is important for a diversive longevity of it. YL1 already held my attention for many days, Fvne is going to kill me lol. I remember the demand for new characters, heck people even reskin current characters of yl1. That is how important character editor is to the interaction systems of fvne, or atleast how I think about it. Although, I did hear a lot of horror stories trying to update a game from one iteration of the engine to the next so I hope going into unity 2019 will be as smooth as ever. In any case, good luck!

Mobius Scarf

Don't worry about it, we can all use the time to make a bunch of characters to test the interaction and animation systems with (when they're ready).


Enjoy your holiday! Make sure to take time out every now and then while working on the next major update. Hopefully you're able to tackle your big ideas realistically and not be overburdened by them! Thank you for all the great things you have done so far!