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Hi all!

Release is getting real close and we're happy to have this video to show with you this weekend.

In it we're demonstrating the new custom offsets system along with some other features.

Enjoy your weekend!

All the best.

- odes


Uploaded the video to mega as well.


FurryVNE - Custom Offsets Demonstration/Tutorial

Check out our Patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/furryvne Blender plugin: Will be posted later. Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG33tVtuCMY


Mircea Kitsune

A shame I can't watch this because Google wants my ID to give it to the government / advertisers or track me based on what I watch. Please try and avoid age-restricting those videos if possible, with Youtube losing its mind and becoming more evil by the day.


I uploaded the video here too: https://mega.nz/file/lsBmHBxB#zhji9p7_ADSeoApNTIV_s2Uf4WfjAuFeTDPIJTPMaPI

Mobius Scarf

Oh man, this is gonna be a gamechanger. Also, the new blender add-on for importing fvne character meshes... Will there be a way to simulate their breast and glute physics within blender for the purposes of cloth simulation, or will we need to sculpt them manually as Dogson did for this video?


The addon itself is only for importing/exporting (plus some handy commands), but if you want to simulate physics in blender (or other application) you could probably do that. We looked into it briefly but couldn't get something to work in a timely manner, so resorted to sculpting instead. If you find out some method to easily simulate physics for squeezing be sure to let us know!


As long as the vertex order is intact you can do anything with a copy of the mesh and join it back in as a shape to the main mesh. We provide some commands to make this process easy. (Difference as shape and transfer using vertex proximity commands.)

Mobius Scarf

Thanks for the clarifications. Also, it would be really cool if at some point in the distant future you could export the character objects with the rigging in tact to make it easier to convert character models into vtuber or vrchat avatars.


Aaaah very excited to see you guys have a Blender addon coming out! Will it be able to include the character's posing skeleton too? That'll be the big game-changer for me, hyped to use FurryVNE characters in Blender projects, but it'd be such a shame if I'd have to spend ages rigging them up too lol

Thundera Shineboom

I think I still have a problem. I have installed the plugin, but my blender still can't import fvne_offset file. I think I must have made a mistake, but I don't know what the problem is.


That should work. When installing the addon, you're installing the whole zip, yeah? And it shows up in the addons menu after you've installed it? Do you get any error messages?

Thundera Shineboom

Yes, the problem lies in this place, I installed the entire zip, it also shows that I successfully installed it, but I can’t find it in the plugin menu anyway. That's why I am very puzzled. Is it possible that there is a problem with the zip I downloaded? It just only 34kb...but I did download it from the link under the video.


Seems like a permission issue. Try doing what this video suggests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhlvLzMt73c