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This has been requested for quite some time now, and we finally decided to spend some time on this. Hopefully this should make posing a lot easier and less tedious.

Currently the mirroring occurs relative to the character him or herself. I was considering adding another mirroring option where the mirroring occurs according to another character [of choice].

Either way, this should be a nice addition to the editing tool box.



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now add a ability to freeze all gizmos when you move the character so that they move with the character


Holy Crap! Awesome! still supporting this game because of constant improvements like this!


Awesome, this should definitely save some time posing characters.


That is FCUKING AWESOME! And makes it alot easier to make both legs match much easier!


Thank you for going to this. Didn't know you could. finally would be easier and faster to make scenes.


Finally, my OCD can be put to rest.


so, if I understood the demo-video correctly, pressing the mirror button affects only the selected node. but if it is with nodes like the elbow or knee pull-nodes, does it mirror the opposite node in relation to the limb which that joint is attached to, or in relation to the rest of the body?


Very good! This will make things a hell of a lot easier; will moving the pose altogether also be added soon?


I added an item to our roadmap so we will remember to implement such a feature.