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Our new skinning tech is proving to be quite a hit. Not only does it improve mesh deformation and make our work a lot easier during the rigging and skinning phase, but it can also be used to replace the current Cat tit behavior with something better:

New tech used on Cat tits


Slowed down 400%


Compared to previous tech (slowed down 400%)


As you can see, the new tech is a lot smoother and generally just looks better. Since it runs on the GPU, we can afford to run more complex operations while also updating the vertices more frequently (as opposed to running a more crude operation at 30 fps as the previous tech). Oh, and it doesn't suffer from stretching when moved rapidly. :)

This improvement will be part of 0.5.3.


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Will this make the inflated titties look less... erm, off on her?


Nice, less stretchy boobs when you first load her in and whenever you move her around.


Will this be used to update existing characters?


The reason we implemented a specific tit behavior for cat was because she basically has two different modes - flat and inflated. The other characters are quite well endowed from the start, and thus do not require two different behaviors. This improvement only concerns the one character that used this previous flat tit behavior (cat). So to answer your question - since no other character than cat has flat tits, cat will be the only one upgraded with the new flat tit behavior. Any future characters with flat tits however will of course use this new system.


Just a thought, can we please have that empty level behind the cat gal? Maybe options to add your own picture in the background or change the fog or lighting direction? Be nice to have an empty-lagless room to just do a quickie.