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Transgender Turtable:


There. My problem was that I think that anthros with long and big muzzles runs a risk of looking "manfacey" so I usually do them short and petite, I did challange my self here and tried to do it more accordingly to how they look IRL.

Not bad at all, If I may say it myself. Also tried out a more pink color for her nipples, I did them almost jet black in the last version, so I wanted to try a light color out at this time.




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Very nice! It looks great!


I like it! Actually, seeing those piercings, I wonder if there will ever be a slider of some kind that adds or subtracts them from the characters, among sliders for having a cock versus a vag, and many other things. I'd bet you could do the same with all of the characters~


[YES! intensifies]


Mister bang your sister lol.


I think this face is more appropriate, she's got the right muzzle markings now. It was missing the deep browns. Though I kinda liked the darker nipples more, myself. Also if I could suggest, maybe she could have a variety of piercings for her breasts? I'm a sucker for nipple rings~


There we go now she looks more like a canine. Well done.


Definitely an improvement. Will there be any chance of a darker variant as an optional skin? also maybe a dreadlock style haircut with black hair?


Looks good. I hope you keep the darker skin tones too!

Zakarin Talvas

Absolutely awesome work! Think I might have a new fav character in this one! Both genders :3


She looks amazing, just curious but will there ever be a character that isn't so bow legged? I understand it's your artstyle but just wondering


Wow, the snout looks even better! All my questions and concerns are in my other post; great work Dogson!!!


And with this Herm character, I feel complete. though I do wonder as to whether or not the clothes are optional. No skin off my back if they aren't, just curious.


erection slider otional clothes and this is going to be a fantastic character


Make one with a loincloth pls?


I love the look of the character, but I prefer the darker nipples; the pink ones blend in a little too well in my opinion.


Looking good, personally I think the darker nipples look better. I think if you made the colors meet in the middle like a deep auburn it would be perfect!


yes pleeaaasseee~<3


Good golly that is amazing. Keep up the awesome!


Is there going to be two versions of her? I have wanted a transgender for far to long... Pwease??? :3


Spotted female hyenas are like both. Their clitoris erects like a penis, and it's quite large in comparison to the male spotted hyenas, so they could use it like a penis. She'd be fully female too; this fact, along with the fact that they're so huge/dominant over the males, is what really got me crazy excited about the idea of this character. (currently, though, she doesn't appear to have this feature)


Yes please more trans gender's , femboys . muscular females. all sort . love your guys work its amazing <3 keep it up furry pride :D

Rob Gene

:D, I would like to see futanari characters with both parts. ;3


Looking good. I think she might still need to be more muscle-y or more defined especially if she's to stand out from the other full figured girls. I also think the first nipple color fit the color scheme much better. The pink ones seem a little out of place here. I also love the hair. But have you thought about a kind of mohawk? I think that might fit well with her as a hyena. Lastly, how big is she, height-wise?


What an absolute cutey! <333


Yeah, something like this? <a href="http://i.imgur.com/jWIUsFU.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/jWIUsFU.jpg</a> (this kind of style around the front: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/Ic84QQS.jpg)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/Ic84QQS.jpg)</a> [and zarya's (from overwatch) front hair style's good too]


Just curious, is she always going to have the armour or is that going to be like another skin for her? just super curious.


As for now clothes are just part of the concept I make, altough we hope that clothes shall be implementable in the near future and a personal goal for me. -Dogson