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This is something I've been wanting to implement for a while now, and finally decided to get this going for 0.5.2.

The orifice pull tech is an addition to our dynamic mesh morphing solution, allowing you to tweak how much an orifice is "pulled" along with the penis. This is very much alpha still and requires more tweaking, but today was the first day we actually got enough pieces together to have something to show, so we figured it would be fun sharing with you guys. :)


With new pull behavior


Without new pull behavior (for comparison)


With new pull behavior


Without new pull behavior (for comparison)


Submission image

Image in submission is from the artist Sunibee, featuring his character "Gooze". I'm a big fan of Sunibee's art and it has inspired us much throughout the development of Yiffalicious. I asked Sunibee if it would be OK to use this image as a way to explain the tech, and he said it was, so very special thanks to him!

You can check out more of Sunibee's art at Furaffinity:


- odes




Add gooze to tiff and my life will be complete


This is a great addition can't wait to see this implemented.


Would I be too far off in guessing that this feature will interact with the resistance slider? Looks fantastic. Really curious to see how this develops, especially in terms of what it will be like with more than one penis in the orifice.


In the second set of images, you can see how it behaves with resistance [right now]. I'm not 100% happy with it and will be spending more time tweaking it.


That looks delicious! <3


i was waiting for that

ryu lee

I love this one! :3 Will it be for all the character?


Unbelievable! I hadn't even realized this was capable with the engine. This takes the animation to whole new levels of realism and that's just delicious!

ryu lee

uww :( but okay so I guess I have to wait then for all these character to have these.


I'm curious and would like to add. Will you be adding a similar effect, albeit slight to the thrusting *into* the giraffe? With the Pullout system looking so refined in the imagines shown. It is now the thrusting *in* that looks static and motionless. If you can distort/morph the mesh outwards, would it be possible to morph it slightly inwards to really give that sense of fleshy *impact*?


Really awesome to see improvement and new mechanics like this! more advanced mechanics like squeezing and grasping of the body doesn't seem so far into the future after all.


Absolutely. As a matter of fact, by default that's how the tech works, but it needs tweaking because the distance thrusted into a character cannot be the same as the distance pulled. So for this recording we simply just disabled pushing, thus creating a very sharp transition from tech being used to not being used. But we want to add push too, and smooth out the curve and allowed distance so it'll look awesome. These videos literally are the recordings of the first times we got most of the pieces into place, but some pieces are still missing and everything still needs more tweaking.


Unless something changes in terms of tech available, grasping and squeezing it's still pretty far off.


Love this idea, hopefully the techniques can be re-used whenever oral is implemented.


ABSOLUTELY much better. Also I misread 'oriface' as 'oral' at first and got excited. -_-


Push & Pull will look delicious when complete. It would be a dream to see it used on Gooze one day...TvT


This is looking good.


I knew the art looked familiar.


doughnut character when?


I love doughnuts, so it's gonna happen at some point. Definitely after the dragons though.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-4P1WPE-Qg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-4P1WPE-Qg</a>


By the gods! This is the feature I have been waiting for in every porno game ever! I do hope to see this feature will be applied to oral and vaginal as well, but I suppose baby steps first. I have to say, on a feature level you are quickly getting better than most porno/hentai games out there, and your's is furry to boot! I can only take so much awesome.


Neat! Can this be used to implement bulging mechanics as well? I mean like throats for oral or stomachs for larger insertions? (not to be confused with inflation)


So a character that's shaped like Gooze or something of that nature? I'm hoping it's the panda girl :)


for fook sake guys, PUFFY... ANUSES... plz! ;3;


Ha, I love it! I love seeing new work on the physics much more than I do the characters, as to me the physics are really what this game is about! Form here, I'd love to see the opposite of that, where during the insertion, their holes like, 'squish' inwards a tiny bit. As for other things, Maybe some bulging, where you could see the shaft's dirty work through expanding mounds on their belly or throat.