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Did some various designs because I thought it was a fun suggestion. 




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neat! For the feet, what about a hybrid of human/animal like how disney draws them in Talespin etc? Would really set the new model apart from the previous IMO.


I wasn't even into giraffes, until I saw this. Really liking the body structure.


I can't help but look at the bottom one and think "protoss". The hybrid design does kinda work, and looks quite pleasing, but doesn't match up with my personal tastes.


Oh damn, you're completely right, never thought about that until I googled protoss hands. So much for originality : / -Dogson


Thanks, been studying anatomy with a friend right about now. The hardest part is to add elements that also defines the animal in particular when you're doing anthro design, -Dogson

Vawkis Silverfall

I really like that set up, the hybrid hand makes more sense in allowing her to function as an anthro. It's these subtle touches that really make this program all the more amazing!


Really liking the hybrid hands and all the newer designs. Keep that creativity flowing!


Super sexy, loved hooved fingers <3


You guys are getting better at your modelling.


i like the hybrid hands. i have always liked them


Yay, featured comment! Just as I thought. Hoof hands are... ADORABLE!! Minor note though, I think the transition at the wrist could be somewhat smoother. HOWEVER, my original, honest reaction to the "Protoss" hand was more akin to, "AAHHHH!! Kill it with fire!" That being said, love your work as always. Keep it up you're doing great!