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Hi all!

We hope you had a wonderful holiday and new year!

I wanted to write this to give you an update on our progress.

Quite some time has passed since our last release (Nov 13). Ideally, we'd have a new build out by now. The goal has always been to try and publish a new build every month. But this time, the release is turning out to be a rather big one (as far as tech features are concerned), and we need some more time.

As you may know, what we're working on right now is a clothing implementation. We're super excited about all the possibilities that such a system will enable. From what we have tested so far, we have discovered this system is far more versatile than we first expected it to be. Indeed, calling it a clothing system is a bit of an understatement, as what it will enable you to do is so much more. We think this system will be used to modify characters in ways that previously haven't been possible in FurryVNE, and we can't wait to see how you will use it!

Many new systems have had to be implemented in order to achieve what we're trying to do, and some more systems still remain. We'll tell you all about it and show you how to use these systems as soon as we can, and we're very excited to do so! (Tutorials and demonstration videos will be posted closer to release.)

More things are coming too - a big feline head, together with lion, tiger and leopard templates. We've also implemented a humanoid feet model. Furthermore, a new mesh blending tech will be available, allowing you to blend models with the body.

There's much more going on behind the scenes as well, as we're preparing assets to be ready for interaction systems. Just know that we're working very hard to bring this to you, and we'll try our best to have these new features in a good state when released!

Video link is one of the new systems used in conjunction with clothing - in this case to mask what triangles are allowed to be part of the binding phase.

All the best.

- odes



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Unlikely Suspect

:O so you can use this to make amputees/cyborgs too?


This gonna be good!


Sure, you could hide mesh and replace it with something different. You don't really need clothing component for that tho - just a way to hide mesh and then parent custom parts to leg/feet.


Question: Are you guys still thinking about that muscled female bodytype? It's just that I've got some character ideas that could use such a body.


Well, that's neat!


I am still impressed with your work! The tech put into just the character editor is insane and is starting to resemble a 3D program. Despite having been some time sense the previous release, I really do hope the best for you and Dogson. Its been a Year now since the release, and another (or more) since you started work on FurVNE. Also: "as we're preparing assets to be ready for interaction systems..." Lemme guess... Tails!


Love seeing the culling in action. FurryVNE is already a powerful and robust editor, and I'm excited to see the clothing system! Y'all are doing great, keep it up.