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Here's what she will look like with fur authored on her. We're quite pleased on how she's coming along here and how she will look ingame. And yes, her wig will be optional, don't worry about that ; )

Here's an comparison on how she looked like when I first started to concept her, to finished realtime character



She's changed a whole lot since then, really :)




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Oh boy... I'm going to be blunt... The concept sculpt looks sooooo much better than the final version. Mostly because of the fur I suppose. Honestly, I liked the look of the game so much better before the fur shader was introduced. Also, her nipples just look like two slices of ham slapped on top of the fur... Very disappointed in this one, and I hope you don't add fur to the other characters since they look way better without it. I just felt I needed to speak up since the game has really taken a turn for the worse these past few updates. I hope you at least keep the option to turn the fur off, because it honestly kinda grosses me out.


As an Asian, the wig makes her look Asian. Just 'sayin.


And imho, the older sculpt has a more sincere and kind expression, while on the flip side, the final version feel elated and energetic. Both are awesome, but I lean toward a more intimate partner.


I strongly disagree with you on this, but you're more than welcome to your opinion. I love the look of realism they're going for, and it seems awesome to me. Plus, of course they'll keep the option to turn off the fur shader. Not all PCs can handle it, after all


I'm not into chicks, but damn Dogson, you've really outdone yourself. Color me extremely impressed.


Hey it's Ok, we all have our preferences and various tastes, and don't worry, there will be option to turn of the fur for her too. She will still have the ordinary normal/roughness and metal maps too. Thats probably one of the reasons her nipples right about now look a bit flat, they will have a more depth to them on with the roughness and metallic maps applied on them. <a href="https://gyazo.com/c2edc52aaf8154abe3863eced285b357" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/c2edc52aaf8154abe3863eced285b357</a> -Dogson


Too pretty :)


is the siamese skin still in as a alt?


Oh yeah, Never thought about it but I now see your point, downwards "ox horns" or "Odango" My honest awsner is that The hair to this point has been to make them thighed up in either ponytails or buns since long hair still is problematic for real time graphics (but we're looking for solutions there too) This was more an attempt for me to not repeat myself with ponytails or the bunny's single bun. I've been thinking of in the future do "preset expressions" like happy, sincere, frighten etc since we had input that some people are saying that the expression sliders are hard and worky to get it to look good. -Dogson


Can't wait to see her bonce on that rhino. :)


But I imagine individual strands of hair flinging all over it's pretty graphic intense.


Looking good! I like the texture.


Nice job so far. Her concept sculpt would make a nice alt skin if or when longer hair becomes more doable. Same for the giraffe.


Looks good but nipples and palm pads color seems off. Perhaps go with a darker color?