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Hey, Dogson just stopping by showing an example I've been working on we'll add with this coming release with Fur authoring.

I've chosen a Female Fox template I've altered slightly, the most important thing is the fur and why masking and the operation masking is important here if you wish to achieve a partly fluffy look we have here.

I've just ha little while of working with it, but I must say, Odes has done an really impressive job here and I'm super impressed of the work he's invested in giving us artist a simple yet powerful tool to play with

Good work buddy!





This is definitely anticipated by me as well. I will most likely be spending most of my time updating current characters. And putting a habit to sketching a character out first before I make any new ones (Those tend to come out the best).


Hi, I understand that app is still in early develpotment but i was wondering would you ever consider to add kind of multiplayer mode? Some kind of mode that players could take control over created character and interact with other players? I guess that the closest thing that i can compare with this idea is vrchat.

John Vermer

I support @liftnick. Maybe not necessarily in the form of VR, but interactive room, it could be something interesting (of course not at this stage ;) ), anyway a discussion forum will be created :) Although I would be more in favor of create the "zero gender" option. After all, avatars can be exported anyway :)


The ears look kinda weird here, like they don't fit to the head?