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Right, after looking at the poll in July there's no denying that Big Canines won this one. We absolutely know that canines are popular and we'll start working on one now, we do also think that future canine heads should be put on dev-lock for at least some time forward now, at least for this remaining year.

We'll also expand the numbers of slots from 8 to 14 for this poll because we first thought that it would be kept simple with a very limited number but we do realize that it probably isn't unmanageable to have expanded options

You feel like your favorite anthro has been left out? Please write in the comments so that our list for future polls can expand even further.



I was just thinking about this too. It might be fun to see some bears and pandas.😁

Drak Drake

Note: I was able to vote for more than one thing... So I voted for the two things animal kingdoms that are not currently represented in YL, those being shark and bird. I dunno if you meant for us to be able to vote for multiple items, if not, keep my vote for shark and subtract one from birds of prey.

Drak Drake

But I'm REALLY of the opinion that we shouldn't even have votes until we have one of every "type" of furry. We've got mammals by the truckloads at this point and we have reptiles (dragon). I understand there are a wide variety of shapes in mammals, but given the broad array of customization tools available in YL2, users can modify heads from an existing template. But without a base bird head (aquatic creatures can probably be customized from something else with some effort), there's currently no option for the avians among us. Leaving it up to a vote sounds fair, but think about it: if 99% of anthros are mammals and 1% are birds (numbers I came up with outta nowhere for illustrative purposes), then even with bird options in the vote, 99% of votes are ALWAYS going to go to the mammals and avians will NEVER have an option in YL2. Whereas if you make one bird head, it may be "unfair" for a month or two because the community wouldn't have voted for it, but then the avians among us would have something to work with while the rest of the mammals vote on their favorite fur-baby in votes going forward. Please just take the vote away for one iteration while you make something with a beak. And yes, I realize this is a gross simplification, it's an example meant for illustrative purposes.


bears <333

Jalea Zokora

Any plans on having centaur or lamia type bodies?


Currently not planned and would be difficult to implement since they don't have a regular rig. - odes


Damn I would be really excited to see Sharks

Divine Powerfist

When will it be possible to make poses with multiple characters?


My votes are going to the birbs again this round. The new options are nice as well, but avians are the one major group currently missing from the picture, and that needs fixing ASAP, in my humble opinion. As for suggestions for future heads, I like my equines, so I’d like to see some more tweakables added to the horse head, at least. Options for a longer, thicker neck, an arabian concave muzzle, and better control over the length of the muzzle would be nice, for example. For new types of heads, antelopes and gazelles would be useful, but might be easy enough to make by tweaking the cervid head already on the list. Perhaps a crocodilian head?


We need moar birdo!!


Shark booty is best booty




We'll start working on simulation/interaction systems sometime this autumn most likely. There are many ideas we want to try out in order to try and improve how interactions work compared to Yiffalicious, so we don't know how long that will take. Hopefully we'll have feature parity (and beyond) with Yiffalicious sometime next year.

John Vermer

BTW: When can we expect some interactions? I can't wait :D


Yes, I definitely think that cannies are quite popular and it's great that they won. The idea of increasing the slots is also good!

Sunlight Swift

I'm excited about that too John but I'm happy seeing everyone love this right now too. I'll be happy next year at just seeing development updates of interactions and things. I wouldn't expect anything except maybe some really alpha simple scenario by the end of next year. This is an ambitious project in a lot of ways and I'm fine if its 2023 myself before its in a clean beta. I don't expect to be having any functional version until 2022 at the earliest. It'll be a great ride though seeing all the updates as it goes. This crew is amazing at the things they come up with.


Wow, I find it surprising to see sharks on the list when most furry shark characters look like dragons. Maybe its the sharp teeth that is missing.


How about human x furry?


Would be awsome 😢


I can hear the jaws theme playing in the distance


Where'd Rhinos go?