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Today was supposed to be the day when we were going to release the delayed 0.4.1 version of Yiffalicious. Unfortunately, that won't happen. But not without reason.

This past month it feels like something has been actively working against us. One unexpected obstacle has appeared after the other. Not only in terms of problems in the actual development, but also in our own lives. You've probably already heard about Dogson's illness (pneumonia), which made the Wolf character development come to a halt. During this time, I (odes) have been working on other aspects of the game, but I haven't been able to start incorporating the wolf into the game. Dogson just recently started feeling better, and have been able pick up work again. A day or so ago, I received the wolf model and could start processing it for integration.

However... This Sunday, I had an accident when I was riding my bike to the gym, which caused me to get a concussion. We didn't think of writing too much about it at the time, since we thought we could still make it for the release today. But, as it turns out, we haven't. The concussion is more severe than we thought, and I haven't been able to spend the amount of time required to finish the release.

A day after the accident, I went to the emergency ward to have a doctor look at me. I was prescribed rest, no work or sitting in front of monitors. Being a person with a huge need for mental stimulation, I knew this was going to be hard. Following the recommendations has been problematic, and I have for the most part ignored them. But this has caused me to suffer because of having overstrained myself. So lately I'm trying to take it easy and relax - staying away from computers however hard that may be.

We're sorry for the delay and the events that caused it. We want you to know we're very dedicated in our work, and it hurts us greatly failing to provide for you, our patrons. We promise we're doing what we can to finish this as soon as possible.

Proof 1

Receipt of visit to emergency ward

Proof 2

Photo of hospital wristband and location



Hope you guys get better soon!


Wish I had some pinups to help ta the moment. But all have some soon you guys take care of yourselves.


I appreciate you guys bring transparent but honestly you don't need to be so hard on yourself. We are all human and things happen. Whenever you all made a post about an illness or injury I never once questioned it. You have made an amazing project come to life and have greatly exceeded my expectations. Please get well soon.


take care of yourself the more urgent it is the good health recovery :)


oh man, a concussion sucks, I know from experience. It's unfortunate to hear the month has been so troubled for both of you. But hey, this is life, things like this happen, and I can't blame you for what happened. You get well now, Odes. You and Dogson do so much for this little community, I think you've more than deserved a rest.


You guys have been showing us progress out the ass despite all the obstructions, more than I could have imagined given the circumstances. I hope the coming days are better for you guys, we all get it rough sometimes.


The proof isn't necessary. Its not like you haven't been putting out regular updates throughout the rest of tour Patreon run. Seriously, rest up, both of you. Don't push yourself on anyone's account, even if you want to. Health is far more important and my money is still going to you regardless. We love you guys. =)


We really appreciate your good faith in us, exbee. We however want to work hard to maintain this project as transparent as possible, keeping everyone on the light of what is going on at the moment.

Vawkis Silverfall

Wuff, it would appear that even amazing projects are subject to Murphy's law. Still,hope your concussion heals well. Those mess with people depending on the severity. Both of you please rest. An while the proof is appreciated. It's not mandated. We know you two aren't doing this on purpose. We (Your supporters) just ask you take care of your selves and if the project for a later date if need be. RL befor VR my good developers

Shadow Drake

Get better soon and enjoy the TLC that you need to give the big noggin, we all have our down days. Heck it happens all the time. Thanks for letting us know and ya know what, we will still be here in the months to come ^.^


Guys, we're more worried about you than about the game. XD Take your time, as healing should not be rushed. We'll be waiting with smiles for you guys. You have our support.


The game can wait your health can not for if you die the game dies. Frankly i'd rather the game go down for a bit while those who make it recover. Patience is a virtue few people have, I hope I speak for all here when I say heal up for without you this amazing thing you have created will die.


Take it easy a get the most out of your rest. Not to sound like a dick buuut..Was rubbernecking involved? ->v>-


Take it easy and relax! The fact that you've kept us so well updated on everything and the little work you guys have done while going through this hell month definitely shows your passion and commitment to working on this project. Also, 400 SEK for the emergency room? Be glad you're not in the US, average cost for that concussion would have been at least $2000 or 17000 SEK!

Stubie Doo

You're both obviously very hard workers and that entitles you to some rest now and then, it is regrettable that the condition of your r and r isn't a more enjoyable one but believe me when I say, and I expect I speak for most of us judging by the prior comments when I say that your health is far more important than anything, work should never take precedence over your own well being, hang in there! And rest up.


The provision of proof is very much appreciated. While it may not have been necessary to provide said proof I'm impressed by the willingness to do so. It seems many projects suffer from recurring bouts of becoming "sick" until they no longer exist. However, you continue to inspire confidence within me with this showing of transparency even though, once again, it was not necessarily necessary. Echoing what was said before me, rest and recover you have been doing great. P.S. Maybe wash one's hands, and wear a helmet. :P


Just take a break if it's getting too much. I'm pretty sure we can all wait a few weeks more.


Like everyone has said, you have far exceeded expectations with this game and although extremely transparent and honest of you to post the receipt etc. it wasn't necessary. I believe you have the communities complete faith as you have so well deserving earned it. Health always comes first, I hope your noggin heals up well and Dogson's lungs clear up. Get well


agreed fully, your health is the most important thing. you've been nothing but welcoming and supportive the entire time, and should let yourself recover and rest. it's alright with us, we can wait.


What old god did you piss off to have such a curse placed on you? ; ) Please, focus on getting better, yeah?


Get well soon. It saddens me to see you guys going through tough times, because you deserve better for what you've done so far.


Just don't have 6 months without an update, kay? <3