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Last post before I crash. This is how he looks like without the hatsune miku hair i was playing around with before I forgot about him. 

He's still rough and not super-well defined, but he should do for a good base to continue on. 




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Looks better without the mikuhair. Also might look better if the black coloring goes further up the arms & legs like the socks/gloves look foxes usually have. Neat concept though.


Maybe shrink his tail somewhat, also he is quite lanky for a femboy


looking really nice. that butt is just the right balance of sexy and cute. The tail does look a bit big, but I imagine that's just due to the simpler texture. You rest up now, and get better.


Likin' it so far. Ditto on tail size being a bit big. Can you post a shot of her from the full front to see the hips being contemplated. Also, will the butt sliders be included? I believe the horse, sadly, doesn't have them but the females do. I'm hoping the fox doesn't get left out. (And that the horse will get them eventually?) Great work btw.


First, let me say that I 100% support a femboy being the next character. I think that as we introduce the first characters, we should try to cover as much ground as possible. Secondly, yes, the tail is gigantic haha. I'm sure it would've been trimmed some even if I didn't say anything though. My third point is difficult. He IS quite slender. Now, that's not necessarily a bad thing because I believe we should, ultimately, have at least a couple slender characters. I'd have to say though that I think I'd prefer him curvier around the hips. I realize we're shying away from the muscular type with this design though, so it's a toss-up. Is there any way to, perhaps, increase the maximum expansion? That way, when people want him curvier, they could just... eh... well, that'd leave his thighs and butt horribly disproportionate to the rest of his body. Well, in any case, love the design overall. I also think a non-giant penis would be nice, but I'm sure that topic would be touched on later. As always, great work! Please feel free to take a few more days off when you are well. You guys have been making nonstop progress and have earned some rest and relaxation. You've given us plenty to toy around with and I can't think of any major errors in the program. Thanks! It's as great as I thought it'd be.


well hope u get better and here is one of my family native american trick for u might have drink tee tree leaves with spoon full of honey with a pinch of crush mint leaves it will help with your soreness and it will help with your recovery faster


drink it in at lunch and at bed time


He looks pretty good, though the neck doesn't seem to fit with the body very well. Oh and here's a random thought that just came to mind. You could pretty easily I imagine, turn that into an actual female. Just make the chest slightly bigger "small boobs". Give it a vag model. And call her his sister. Yeah, I think that's a really good idea. Release them as wincest twins >:D


Oh man, the more I think about this, the more it seems like a great idea! Eeyup, wincest Fox twins. Please, make it so :D


men this is woderfull

Shadow Drake

You know... that is a down right sneaky, n wonderfull idea ^.^


Make it happen. Just Do It.


1. Hope you get better soon! 2. Tails a bit big, however this looks like a great base. 3. Cute Butt!!! That is all :D


Oh and one more thing I wanted to point out. We only have one character that actually stands on the flats of her feet. Unless you want to count the Rhino as standing on the flats his feet too then I guess that makes sense. But I really hope that you either make his feet standing on flats, or you turn his feet into full on hind legs. In which case you actually give him a defined paw pad. But please I think that this "toe standing" thing is being overused. Well, to be more specific on the matter. I do not know if the Commissioner requested them to be like this. But the feet on Elaine disappointed me. She looks like she was modeled between the two. She has a flat foot model for her foot, but she stands on her tiptoes which clearly looks like they were originally a regular foot that just had its toes molded together, almost like she's wearing socks. Anyways that's just my 2 cents on feet XD


Still scrumptious! when we get voices this hot slice needs to be a moaner!


Tail is a bit big, but since this is just an early prototype I'm sure that's getting changed. Other than that, get well soon! I hope whatever you caught doesn't make you miserable, and some time off might be in order for you anyway, considering how much you've done.


Wow....I really didn't think anyone else thought this.


Get better son Dogson. Hope you recover well. :-)


I wonder if we can have feet have a slider for going on tippy toes? Oh and the tail is waaaaaay to big. :o


that tail actually looks more like a cocoon with another fox in it :)


Man you guys are bad asses.. This has to be the best furry porn game.. Great job!


Well there is one tiny thing, I Dont think it matters i just wanna give input, But why not reduce neck size.. The fox seems a bit on the deer side on the nick


would have to agree. although this seems to be more of an art style from the design team not so much a realistic decision.


Loving it. Good to see some hard work going into this, keep it up. <3