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Here are the final results of the poll!


01. Dragon Athletic (99)

02. Fox Slender (72)

03. Tiger Athletic (61)

04. Fox Petite (54)

05. Zebra Athletic (40)

06. Dragon Average (39)

07. Horse Athletic (34)

08. Dragon BBW (32)

09. Fox Athletic (31)

10. Fox Average (29)


01. Dragon Muscular (112)

02. Fox Femboy (96)

03. Dragon Athletic (75)

04. Bull Muscular (68)

05. Deer Femboy (47)

06. Tiger Athletic (38)

07. Fox Average (36)

08. Fox Athletic (36)

09. Dragon Average (35)

10. Dragon Femboy (34)

It looks like a pair of dragons will be our next assignment! :D

Severe cheating

There was lots of cheating in this poll. It seems like people were botting to increase certain choices more than others. Because of this we had to filter the results. The method we used to do this was by defining two rules when counting the results:

If the exact same vote already exists within the 3 previous ones, it’s skipped.

If the exact same vote already happened within 30 seconds, it’s skipped.

Out of the 5706 votes, the filter removed 4823 of them, resulting in 883 legit votes.

Access to unfiltered data and filter code


Thank you

Thanks for participating in this character poll! Hope to see you next time. :)




Nice that people destroy these votes with bots.

Draggo Long

I think what would have made this better is if we'd been given some sort of visual reference for each. It certainly would have affected people's votes. Let's take the fish, for example. If you had said 'hey, remember the curvy fish with big, pouty lips from Fish Police?', people would have voted for them, I'm sure. However, because we have nothing to go off of, most just went for their comfort zones, hence why generally popular species like canids, felines and dragons won out. Can I suggest even just a face/bust reference next time, with a genital shot? I would have liked to see more unique species, like how you have the rhino and giraffe, instead of just the usual suspects of the fandom.


eh, I suppose that's alright. personally would have liked to see some variety. Hopefully the two wwill be quite unique compared to one another. Really sucks that there was so much cheating, though.


They were about to do it, but lack of time made it impossible. By the way you might be right about those comfort zones, but i wouldn't expect that people gonna change thier favorites that easly, let's make that clear canines, equines and dragons are the most popular species so they are in vote pools aswell. One thing is bothering me, I still can't belive that dragons won with both pools in both genders prevalently, cuz i always thought that dragons are less liked than canines or equines. Well I hope fox and zebras gonna have their shot next time. I'm not like dragon fan, but hell even shit could look sexy after desiging and modelling by Dogson, I belive in him with my whole heart.


I would like to have a turtle character :3


I'm sure there will be less cheating as time goes on and more diverse types are implemented. I'm content that we're getting the dragons out of the way sooner rather than having them in poll after poll in the future.


In addition to anti-cheating regulations I think there should also be some sort of rule that keeps similar families from getting selected consecutively (ex. Canidae, Felidae, Ursidae, Cervidae etc etc) for variety's sake. Just so we don't get a cycle that goes: Wolf --> Fox --> Dog --> Fennec Fox / Cat --> Lion --> Puma --> Serval etc etc It keeps things from getting stagnant/boring. Also the easier you make the polls for users, the easier you'll make it for users to cheat on the polls. Comments are still the best and most genuine way to do a poll despite the overhead required (or maybe emailed spreadsheets from registered users? food for thought)


Lizard, turtle, Toad, Dragon, Zebra, Shark, Fish, Alien, Demon, Sheep, Goat would be all my personal choices <3

Shadow Drake

Hehe, bring on the dragons =) Hope we can do tail poses aswell ^_^


Dragons won both pools? Surprising, but not disliked. It's a shame people would cheat though. Anyway, I'm just glad we're getting more characters, especially males.


I didn't know Yiffalicious was ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED


So we're all just a bunch of cheating bastards.XD


How about a patrons only poll?


I'm sorry guys but this game needs more slender and petite characters, not more dragons and 'muscular bulls'. The main thing that turns people off when I try to get them to subscribe to this project on Patreon is that they find none of your existing models good looking -- theyre all exaggerated, fat, obscenely long-necked or hugely muscular. You are shutting out half of the fandom by your choices if you continue to only cater to the people who vote in those polls, who are already patrons. I wish you'd have just stuck to the things said on the forum and gone with the wolf and a petite feline female, it would round things out and provide something for everyone.. Instead it looks like we're going to get specialty dragons for niche kink scalies who don't even represent a fraction of the people who would buy into this game with some more diversity. It's disappointing. Until you guys can provide something for everyone instead of catering to stacked polls and creating more of the same, there's nothing more people like myself can do to convince people to buy into this project.


The wolf character will be out next release (hopefully 19th of November). The female cat will be our highest priority for the next cycle. Please check out our roadmap here: <a href="https://trello.com/b/9wLqxJsx/yiffalicious-roadmap" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/9wLqxJsx/yiffalicious-roadmap</a>


Hello, tte couple of dragon is to arrive in 1st position, when to go create them to you and to send them?