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Hey everyone!

Since there's been some beginnings of patron and fan postings here, we would like to state that we love fan interaction and welcome it. :)

We will be using some moderation though to sort out genuine fan interaction from mere trolling and spamming.

We've been wanting to implement comments on interactions inside the app too (and we will as soon as we can), further encouraging user participation and enhancing the sense of community.

-Odes & Dogson



I don't quite get the general posting here on Patreon. I can see mine of course, but I can't see anybody else's. That and the file upload sucks.

Ezyk Jaraad

is there a way you could add the ability to change poses between snapshots? like a fade-to-black snapshot? A better way to add a narrative to the scenario would make people cum harder, too. a button to have them look at a specific actor in a specific snapshot? I hope i'm not spewing stuff that's been said a billion times..

Ezyk Jaraad

Oh yeah! and the search function is case sensitive, and it would be awesome to be able to search for usernames. okay. Now i'm done.


All of those things are on our roadmap. Check it out! <a href="https://trello.com/b/9wLqxJsx/yiffalicious-roadmap" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/9wLqxJsx/yiffalicious-roadmap</a>


To search for a specific user, you must use author:"username". Or you can just right click an interaction and select "More by this user".