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A more canine version this time.

From the research we've gotten the upper part of the bulbus gland is more thick and pronounced then the lower part, pretty interesting. We're going to try a last, more stylized version whit the bulb a lot more spherical.


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When the knot is fully deflated, texture looks kind of wierd


There's no real texture on it, just polypaint (vertex paint) serving as an proxy how it might look like. But you bring up an good point in that we perhaps should avoid to much texture detail on the bulbous gland later since it will inflate and deflate, causing texture stretching. - dogson


This one looks great!


Haha, basically what it looks like. Only thing i'd request is the ability to change penis size on any character, by thickness and length. And have the female bodies adjust to it to stop clipping. There has to be some sort of equation that can be used to get that done and I think it would be a game changer if we could do that xD


Bang on. looks better than the other IMO


Man, looks good even if that head looks a little too... authentic